my queen is cute

Chapter 203 Ruoxi is Happy

Chapter 203 Baili Ruoxi is Happy

Time flies very fast, in a blink of an eye, it has been three months since Nanxian Weiyang became the emperor, these three months are the mourning period for Nanxian Aotian, Nanxian Weiyang handles these things with hands tied , now that Nanxian Aotian's funeral is over, Nanxian Weiyang has nothing to worry about.

Above the court hall, Nanxian Aotian's mourning period has passed, and some ministers who rely on the old to sell the old have started to play dead again.

"Your Majesty, now that the mourning period for the previous emperor has passed, the emperor's harem is empty, so we should fill the harem with drafts." Wu Hanlin said. (Hanlin is his official position)
"According to you, do you mean that I should be obsessed with female sex and disregard the country?" Nanxian Weiyang asked with a cold face, it was him again, he was the one who brought it up last time, causing him to coax the little thing He hasn't been angry for a long time, and now he dares to bring it up?Sure enough, courage is commendable!
"Your Majesty, how can the talent show be said to be obsessed with women? It's only natural to consider for the heirs of the royal family." Wu Hanlin continued.

"Is it possible that I still need to listen to you whether I want to draft or not? I have said that, I am not in the mood to draft for the time being." Nanxian Weiyang directly rejected Wu Hanlin's proposal.

"Your majesty, please think twice! The heir is the most important thing." Wu Hanlin continued.

"I have a queen now, and it's not like she can't bear children for me, so why should I draft for the emperor's heir?" Nanxian Weiyang retorted.

"Your majesty, but you and the empress have been married for more than four months, and the empress's stomach hasn't moved yet, this..."

Before Wu Hanlin finished speaking, Guidezi rushed in.

"Why are you so flustered?" Nanxian Weiyang looked at Guidezi with some displeasure and asked.

"Congratulations to the emperor, congratulations to the emperor, this is a great joy!" Gui Dezi smiled like a flower on his old face.

"Say something quickly, don't talk nonsense!" Nanxian Weiyang said a little impatiently.

"Your Majesty, the empress is happy!" Gui Dezi's words were like a thunderbolt, directly hitting Wu Hanlin on the head who had been shouting that the empress was not pregnant just now and let the emperor accept his concubine!It's just a slap in the face!
"What did you say?!" Nanxian Weiyang thought she had heard it wrong.

"Your Majesty, the empress is happy!" Guide Zi said the words again.

Baili Rixi at the bottom is also smiling, my sister is happy!
Nanxian Weiyang suddenly stood up, then left all the ministers behind, and ran towards Weiyang Palace without looking back.

The remaining ministers looked at each other in blank dismay, and finally dispersed.

But Baili Rixi, Nanxian Cangyue, Nanxian Haoyue and others walked to Weiyang Palace in a leisurely manner. As for Shangguan Xu, Zhuge Wang of Zhuge City, the three of them are foreign ministers, and it is not convenient for them to go to the harem , So he left with other ministers.

When Nanxian Cangyue heard the news that Baili Ruoxi was happy, it felt like a hole had been dug in her heart, dripping with blood!

On the other side, Nanxian Weiyang couldn't wait to arrive at Weiyang Palace, and the Queen Mother was already beside Baili Ruoxi.

Baili Ruoxi was lying on the bed, looking weak.

"What's going on?" Nanxian Weiyang sat down on the edge of the bed, held her hand, and asked distressedly.

Baili Ruoxi looked at Nanxian Weiyang, she didn't know what to say, why did they tell her that she was pregnant as soon as she woke up, and she was going to be a queen mother!
"Your Majesty, the Empress suddenly fainted when she got up today, and the servant immediately went to ask for the imperial physician, who said that the Empress was pregnant for more than two months!" Tian Xiang said happily.

"That's great, little Li'er, we have a baby!" Nanxian Weiyang said excitedly, smiling all over her face.

"Your majesty, look at you, you are going to be the father, and you are so careless, Ruoxi's hands are red from being squeezed by you!" The queen mother joked.

When she just got up today, she heard the news from the palace that the empress was pregnant, so she rushed over to visit her immediately. Baili Ruoxi's belly was the future prince, could she not be happy?

"I'm sorry, did I hurt you?" Nanxian Weiyang hurriedly let go, then looked at Baili Ruoxi embarrassedly and asked.

"I..." Baili Ruoxi hesitated to speak.

"Okay, you all go down, let the emperor and queen stay for a while." After finishing speaking, the queen mother led all the palace people to retreat together, she thought, now they should give the two of them a space to have a good chat.

"Why did Duanduan faint?" Nanxian Weiyang asked with concern.He did not forget that the reason why Baili Ruoxi was found to be pregnant was because she fainted.

"The doctor said it might be due to being too tired recently..." Baili Ruoxi said with a blushing face.

Nanxian Weiyang immediately understood what Baili Ruoxi meant, and he also blushed.

"Sorry, I didn't know you were pregnant, is the baby okay?" Nanxian Weiyang asked again.

"The doctor said the child is healthy, but..." Baili Ruoxi blushed again.

"But what?" Nanxian Weiyang looked at Baili Ruoxi nervously and asked.

"The imperial doctor said that intimacy is forbidden for the first three months..." Baili Ruoxi hesitated and said, it was too embarrassing for her to faint from exhaustion of such things, and there was no one else but her.

"I'm sorry, I will be more careful in the future, and I won't touch you again in the near future." Nanxian Weiyang promised.

"Nanxian Weiyang..." Baili Ruoxi's voice suddenly tinged with tears.

"What's the matter? Why are you crying? Are you scared?" Nan Xian Weiyang looked at her pale little face with pity and asked.

"I'm only 16 years old, but I have a child in my stomach..." Baili Ruoxi didn't know how to describe the feeling in her heart, it was very complicated!
"Fool, this is our child, aren't you happy?" Nanxian Weiyang patted her head and said.

"I'm very happy, but I'm also very scared." Baili Ruoxi said aggrievedly.

"What are you afraid of?" Nanxian Weiyang asked.

"I'm afraid I'm still a child and I can't take care of our children well." Baili Ruoxi expressed his worries.

"You can learn slowly. Besides, isn't there a queen mother? She will help us take care of the children." Nanxian Weiyang said, and couldn't help smiling.

Baili Ruoxi thought for a while and felt that what Nanxian Weiyang said made sense. Although this child came beyond her expectations, since she already had one, she would love him well, regardless of whether he was a boy or a girl. Yes, they are all her babies!
"Nanxian Weiyang, I don't care, you have to accompany me well during this time, I haven't gotten used to the feeling of being pregnant yet." Baili Ruoxi tugged on Nanxian Weiyang's sleeve and said coquettishly.

"Okay, I'll stay with you, I really can't do anything about you." Nanxian Weiyang said dotingly and helplessly.

Recently, he was busy with the affairs of the Four Nations Conference. He was a little busy and ignored her. She is pregnant now, so he wants to accompany her well no matter what.

 The second update, finally there are small buns, please vote for recommendation


(End of this chapter)

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