Rebirth doctor woman has space

Chapter 1380 Battle against the God of Plague 30

Chapter 1380 Battle against the God of Plague 30
Qin Xue landed in the sky above Shennong Valley, followed the formula Jiang Hao gave her, and opened the barrier of Shennong Valley.

When there was only a gap in the barrier of Shennong Valley, a green light rushed out from it.

Qin Xue quickly dodged to dodge, stretched out her hand to grab the tail of the green light, and her whole body seemed to be pulled by a powerful force.

Qin Xue tightly held the green light in her hand, and only then did she have a chance to see what it was.

I saw that the green light was the body of the ruler with dark green lines, which was crystal clear and shone with green light, and bursts of powerful power came from the body of the ruler that shocked even Qin Xue, which was about the same level as Fuxiqin The artifact!
Qin Xue touched the restless artifact, looked at the direction of the artifact's head, looked into the distance, and glanced at Nonggu again, "Is this some kind of treasure from Emperor Shennong? It would be great if it was the treasure of Emperor Shennong Hurry up and give it to Hao!"

After thinking about it, Qin Xue hurriedly flew to the Pacific Ocean.

Jiang Hao saw that almost two-thirds of the Shennong Ding was entangled by black demonic energy, he was horrified, and quickly put away the Shennong Ding.

The result of God of Plague doing this was the result of hurting the enemy one thousand and self-defeating eight hundred. After all, it was really difficult to swallow the Shennong cauldron with demonic energy, but he did it anyway, knowing that it was too late.

Jiang Hao took back the Shennong Ding, and saw that the aura around the Shennong Ding had decreased a lot, and he was stunned for a while. He didn't expect the God of Plague to do this. This guy really fought to the death.

However, he only has the Shennong Cauldron in his hand now. If Qin Xue were here and attacked with him on both sides, he would not have encountered such a situation.

Jiang Hao also believes that Qin Xue should have almost completed the inheritance by now, so Qin Xue's cultivation should also be able to improve a lot, and Qin Xue, as the blood inheritance of the two ancient gods, is more than enough to fight against the plague god with him of.

The God of Plague's face, full of black vines, was pale, like a piece of white paper, terribly pale, and a ferocious smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Although the Shennong Ding was an ancient artifact, after all, Jiang Hao was not the creator of the Shennong Ding. Moreover, he does not have the blood lineage of Emperor Shennong, let alone exert [-]% of the power of Shennong Ding, and although Jiang Hao has the cultivation base of Da Luo Jinxian, he can only exert half of the power of Shennong Ding, so he can Reluctantly stood in front of Jiang Hao.

If Qin Xue, who was replaced by Daluo Jinxian at this time, had Fuxiqin in her hands, she would never be forced to be so miserable by the God of Plague. Strength, but try your best, [-]% is still possible, although the [-]% and [-]% only checked the third floor, but this power is not something that the God of Plague can underestimate.

Jiang Hao didn't dare to use the Shennong cauldron to attack God of Plague casually. He frowned, and God of Plague showed a ferocious smile on his face, "Jiang Hao, no one can save you today, so you should die!"

As soon as the words fell, the plague god's body suddenly swelled up, and his whole body was enveloped in a cloud of black mist, which kept getting bigger and bigger.

Jiang Hao looked up at the black mist that seemed to swallow the world, and quickly stepped back. He could feel the powerful force coming from the black mist, and there was a sound that was more terrifying than before and deafening The roar of the tiger.

(End of this chapter)

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