Rebirth doctor woman has space

Chapter 1381 Battle against the God of Plague 31

Chapter 1381 Battle against the God of Plague 31
In the black mist, a tiger's head suddenly appeared. The eye-catching big "King" character on the forehead was shining with black light, and the black tiger stripes on the body were also shining with gloomy black light, which made people unconsciously look at it. The hairs all over his body stood up.

Hutou opened his bloody mouth and roared towards the sky. The roar was deafening, and a powerful sound wave scattered around.

Jiang Hao covered his ears with his hands, and looked at the tiger head in shock. If he guessed correctly, it should be Chi You's mount Zhanhu, but now the Zhanhu only showed his tiger head. But it was a cloud of black mist.

At this time, in front of the satellite screens of various countries, everyone opened their mouths wide and stared at the huge tiger head, the mouth with a bloody mouth, and the sharp teeth, making people panic for a while. .

"Gudong" a group of people subconsciously swallowed hard, looking at the huge tiger head, which is estimated to be five or six stories high, this tiger head alone is so big, what about his body?They didn't dare to think about it anymore, cold sweat was pouring out of their bodies, and some people felt that their bladders were a little swollen, and they were afraid that they would pee their pants in the next moment.

The old man in Huaxia Kingdom was also shocked to see the picture on the satellite screen. He was also shocked. He didn't expect such a terrifying thing to appear. It was a tiger at all.

"Sir, do we want it?" A man in a general's uniform behind him asked the old man seriously.

The old man waved his hand and looked at the tiny figure on the opposite side of the tiger. Because he was too small, he couldn't see Jiang Hao clearly. He knew that that person was Jiang Hao, "No need!"

Now the old man can only pin all his hopes on Jiang Hao. If even Jiang Hao can't kill this tiger, then human beings can only perish.

At this time, Jiang Hao also looked at Zhanhu seriously, frowning tightly, never thought that Zhanhu would appear, isn't Zhanhu and Tiger Soul Knife integrated into one?How can this body still appear?
Suddenly, the war tiger spoke, and the voice was the voice of the God of Plague, "Jiang Hao, I'm going to eat you today! Chew you, chew you up!"

Jiang Hao narrowed his eyes dangerously, looked at Zhanhu coldly, and sneered, "God of Plague, can you really do it? Then I will see how much power you can unleash by fusing with Zhanhu!"

Although Jiang Hao didn't know how the God of Plague had cultivated before, it seemed that Zhan Hu had merged with the God of Plague, otherwise, such a situation would not have happened.

Jiang Hao raised his hands, and the Shennong Cauldron on top of his head expanded again. He wanted to try again to fight against the God of Plague, and only hoped that Qin Xue would come over as soon as possible.

"Shen Nong Cauldron! Give it to me! Smash it!" Jiang Hao roared angrily, and attacked the head of Zhan Hu who was the incarnation of the God of Plague.

"Touch!" A powerful impact erupted at this moment, and the aftermath of the powerful energy scattered around. The body of Shennong Ding trembled, and a gust of wind rushed towards Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao screamed badly, and quickly wanted to dodge to dodge, but the speed was still not as fast as this burst of energy, and his chest had already been hit hard by this powerful force.

"Pfft!" Jiang Hao spouted blood, and his whole body flew upside down. The Shennong Ding also flew upside down following Jiang Hao's upside down flight, and hit Jiang Hao's chest closely.

(End of this chapter)

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