Rebirth doctor woman has space

Chapter 1382 Battle against the God of Plague 32

Chapter 1382 Battle against the God of Plague 32
Jiang Hao spouted blood donation, and his whole body flew upside down. The Shennong Ding also flew upside down following Jiang Hao's upside down flight, and hit Jiang Hao's chest closely.

Just at this critical moment, a cry came, "Hao!"

When Jiang Hao heard this cry, a smile appeared on his face. He knew that it was Qin Xue who was coming, and turned his head to look at Qin Xue's white fairy dress with wide sleeves, flying towards him at a very high speed.

Qin Xue came to Jiang Hao's side, Jiang Hao leaned on Qin Xue's arm, smiled slightly and called, "Xue'er!"

Qin Xue nodded with a smile, seeing that Qin Xue's body was covered in blood, her eyes were red, her heart ached, and she kept cursing herself in her heart, why did she come here so late.

Watching the Shennong Ding come flying, Qin Xue quickly pushed out her palm, and with a "touch", she blocked the momentum of the Shennong Ding, but Qin Xue did not have a good result, and the whole person flew a few meters away with Jiang Hao .

With a wave of his hand, Jiang Hao took the Shennong cauldron back, turned to look at Qin Xue, and asked with concern, "Xue'er, are you alright?"

"It's okay." Qin Xue shook her head with a smile, touched the corner of Jiang Hao's mouth with her slender hand, and said distressedly, "Does it hurt?"

"It's okay, as long as you come, everything will be fine!" Jiang Hao smiled, took Qin Xue's little hand, put it on his lips and kissed, "Your inheritance is over?"

"En!" Qin Xue nodded, with a bright smile on her face, and said, "Yes! I accepted the inheritance of my father Fuxi, and now the blood in my body has been fully stimulated, and the seal in my body has been released , the ancient memories have also been restored, and my cultivation base has also reached the cultivation base of Da Luo Jinxian, although I have only just broken through, but I am already very satisfied."

In fact, Qin Xue did not expect that her cultivation could break through to Da Luo Jinxian. Back then, her cultivation was only up to Jinxian. Her blood was activated, and after the ancient seal was lifted, her cultivation suddenly reached Da Luo Jinxian. , It really made her feel a little faster.

However, this Quick Qin Xue is also very happy. If her strength is higher, she will be able to help Jiang Hao deal with the God of Plague. The higher the power, the greater their chances of winning.

Hearing what Qin Xue said, Jiang Hao was suddenly overjoyed. He didn't expect that Qin Xue was already a Da Luo Jinxian. Although Qin Xue only had the cultivation base of the Da Luo Jinxian at the early stage, he wanted to deal with the God of Plague together with his strength at the peak stage of the Da Luo Jinxian It was more than enough.

In fact, Jiang Hao did not expect that Qin Xue's cultivation base would advance by leaps and bounds after stimulating the blood in his body. He was really envious and jealous. However, this is his woman, and he, the husband, also does it for her feel happy.

Jiang Hao hugged Qin Xue into his arms and hugged her tightly, "Xue'er, as long as you're fine!"

There is another sentence Jiang Hao added in his heart, fortunately you came early, otherwise, I will be separated from you forever.

Qin Xue smiled and hugged Jiang Hao tightly.

The God of Plague looked at Qin Xue and Jiang Hao who were hugging each other tightly, with flames bursting out of his eyes, and glared at them angrily. He did not expect Qin Xue to accept the inheritance so quickly.

"Jiang Hao, you are so proud, no matter who comes here today, you all must die!" The God of Plague roared angrily.

Qin Xue turned her head to look at the God of Plague, sneered, then turned to Jiang Hao and said, "Hao, I got a treasure on the way here!"

Updates during the rest of the day!

(End of this chapter)

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