1409 The Finale 24
The great news of Qin Xue and Jiang Hao's return spread throughout the entire Hu City as if they had grown wings, and then the entire Huaxia Kingdom.

Of course, after the old man heard that Qin Xue and Jiang Hao had gone down to earth, he was extremely excited and called Qin Xue and Jiang Hao, and he wanted to come to Hu City to meet them.

However, Qin Xue and Jiang Hao felt that whether it was the world of comprehension or Chinese medicine, they needed the support of the country and the support of the old man, so they agreed to meet the old man the next day.

In the afternoon, Qin Yun brought Qin Siyuan back home. Qin Siyuan is now eight years old and has already entered elementary school.

Qin Siyuan stood by Qin Yun's side, carrying a schoolbag, a handsome little boy who looked about as close as Qin Yun blinked and looked at Qin Xue and Jiang Hao with a look of shock.

Along the way, Qin Yun didn't tell him about it, so they were shocked when they saw Qin Xue.

"Aunt? Uncle?" Qin Siyuan rubbed his eyes and looked at Qin Xue and Jiang Hao in surprise.

Qin Xue smiled and waved to Qin Siyuan, "Siyuan, come over to Auntie."

Qin Siyuan ran up to Qin Xue excitedly, sat beside her and asked in shock, "Auntie, haven't you already ascended to immortality? Why... why are you here?"

Although Qin Siyuan is still young, only eight years old, he was nourished by Qin Xue's spiritual power since he was a child, but he has not been nourished since Qin Xuefei's ascension, but the foundation laid since he was a child has made Qin Siyuan's talent and heart grow. Much better than the average person.

Therefore, at this time, Qin Siyuan had at least the mentality of thirteen or fourteen years old, and had grown up in a subtle cultivation family, so he knew about Qin Xue's situation, so he asked Qin Xue these questions.

Qin Xue touched Qin Siyuan's head with a smile, and said dotingly, "Of course I don't want to be separated from you and come down to earth! What? Don't you like aunt down to earth?"

"No no no, why don't you like it!" Qin Siyuan immediately shook his head and said, "Auntie, I miss you so much, if Dad didn't say that you, uncle and cousins ​​couldn't go down to earth, I wouldn't either That’s what I asked you! Besides, my classmates also said that gods don’t come down to earth.”

Qin Xue chuckled a few times, nodded and said, "My aunt couldn't bear to be separated from you, so she went down to earth. From now on, you can see my aunt often, and you can also play with your cousins. If you have doubts, you should take care of them more. !"

"En!" Qin Siyuan nodded happily, patted his chest and promised, "I will definitely protect them well!"

Qin Siyuan is already so big, but Jiang Xingyu and Jiang Qingyao are still so young, which makes Mr. Jiang and Qin's family very puzzled. Of course, Qin Xue and them also explained the reason, otherwise, they would really put themselves The sons and daughters of the family are regarded as monsters!After all, the days in the sky are different from the days on earth.

Jiang Hao gave Qin Siyuan a thumbs up, and said, "Siyuan, you've worked hard too. You've already reached the Nascent Soul stage at such a young age. It's not bad! It seems that you often help others!"

Qin Siyuan said with a proud look, "Of course, everyone knows that my aunt and uncle are gods, so anyone who needs help can come to me. I will do my best to help them, and they are very grateful to me. My cultivation level will soon be raised!"

"It's good, but you can't help others in order to improve your cultivation and get the power of gratitude. You have to know how to truly help others. This is the most important thing." Qin Xue smiled and patted Qin Siyuan's head.

"Well, I got it, auntie!"

(End of this chapter)

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