1410 The Finale 25
The news of Qin Xue and Jiang Hao's descent spread like wildfire. Many people who had been staying in the Shenglong District told their superiors immediately after receiving the news.

Sima Ye was the first to get the news. Now he is still mainly in charge of the underworld in Hucheng. Now the entire Hucheng is dominated by the Red Gang. If the other underworlds want to be independent, they will not be able to develop at all.

After Sima Ye knew the news, he didn't care what Chen Yu was doing, so he immediately called Chen Yu's private number. Calling his private phone number was also a reminder to Chen Yu that it was Qin Xue's news.

As the leader of the Red Gang and the chairman of the Red Eagle Group, Chen Yu is of course very busy, and there are many meetings to be held every day. During the meeting, the mobile phone on the table rang.

The whole meeting was stopped because Chen Yu's cell phone rang. Chen Yu was very unhappy that a call came during the meeting, and his brows frowned, but when he picked it up, he found that it was Sima Ye who called him.

And at this moment, Chen Yu remembered that if it was about Qin Xue, then let Sima Ye call his private phone at any time. This thought flashed through Chen Yu's mind, and the unhappy expression on his face disappeared immediately, and he took it. Phone, "Hello, Sima, is there any news about Xiaoxue?"

Sima Ye nodded with a smile, and said, "Yes, I just received news from Shenglong District that Miss Qin, her husband and two young masters have all died from the sky..."

Before Sima Ye finished reporting his phone number, Chen Yu hung up the phone directly, and jumped up from his seat, "Arrange a private plane for me to fly to Shenglong District immediately, I want to Take off now!"

Everyone was taken aback by Chen Yu's order, and then they realized that they hurriedly went to make arrangements. They also knew that this meeting would not continue.

Chen Yu excitedly held the mobile phone in his hand, with an excited look on his face. He didn't expect that Qin Xue would really be able to go down to earth. He bet right. Qin Xue really went down to earth. He was very happy and excited, and couldn't wait to see her To Qin Xue.

Then there is Lin Junyi, some government officials in Shenglong District are from the Lin family, so when they got the news, they immediately notified Mr. Lin.

After Mr. Lin heard the news, he was also shocked for a while, and then he was excited to go to the Shenglong District of Hucheng. He wanted to see Qin Xue.

"Grandpa, I heard that Xiaoxue has gone down to earth?" Lin Junyi hurried outside and asked, looking at Old Master Lin excitedly.

Mr. Lin nodded with a smile, and said, "Yes! He has already descended to earth!"

"Are you sure? Is it true or not? Didn't you say that you can't descend to the mortal world after ascending?" Lin Junyi looked at Mr. Lin in disbelief and asked.

Mr. Lin glared at Lin Junyi, and said, "I have already asked that old man about this matter, and he will go to Shenglong District tomorrow, and I will go there with him then!"

"Really?" Lin Junyi clenched his fists and jumped up excitedly after hearing this, "YES! That's great, I'm going to Lake City right away, and I'm going to see Xiaoxue right away!"

Lin Junyi couldn't wait to see Qin Xue. He didn't expect that Qin Xue could really go down to earth. He thought he would never see Qin Xue again!
(End of this chapter)

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