1411 The Finale 26
At the same time, as long as they have a good relationship with Qin Xue and have a certain ability in all parts of the country, they will put down their work and go to the Shenglong District Airport in Hucheng.

Qin Xue and Jiang Hao had no idea that these people were coming, and the whole family was playing around in the hall.

Especially the two little guys, Jiang Xingyu and Jiang Qingyao, grabbed Qin Siyuan's clothes and kept yelling, "Brother, brother! Play with me!"

"Brother, play this with Yaoyao!"

Not only has a good relationship with Qin Xue, but some foreign people who have been paying attention to the situation of the Qin family also know about the arrival of Qin Xue's family. They are very excited to hear that Qin Xue and the others have come down to earth, especially those who have been waiting The patients who Qin Xue's family went down to treat them were all struggling to support their bodies, hoping to last until Qin Xue's family went down to earth, no matter how much they had suffered before, it was worth it.

And Qin Yun's mobile phone was also blown up by all the calls, and finally had to turn off the mobile phone, just like Qin Xue had just ascended to the heaven.

In an instant, the appearance of Qin Xue's family caused another wave, and it was time for those uncrowned kings to seize the latest news. As long as there are uncrowned kings in the whole world who are still in the Shenglong District, they will immediately kill Qin Xue's family. The news of going down to earth spread to his company and spread the news.

Yuan Zhixiu looked at the latest and hottest news on the Internet, which was that Qin Xue's family had come down to earth.

Seeing the content of the news, Yuan Zhixiu rubbed his eyes subconsciously, and muttered to himself, "Xiaoxue descended to earth? Am I right? Their family really descended to earth? Great!"

Then Yuan Zhixiu called Li Minghong again to confirm, knowing that it was Qin Xue who had descended, he was very excited.

In a luxurious villa in the capital, Chu Yang kicked away the tea table in front of him and laughed wildly, "Hahaha, Qin Xue, you have finally come down to earth, you wait, I, Chu Yang, am coming, how dare you not?" With Lao Tzu's permission, he disappeared casually, and it took so many years to disappear!"

In the dormitory of Huaxia College, Guo Jiahui looked at her Weibo as usual, and saw that the word Qin Xue appeared on a Weibo, and after looking at it clearly, she immediately screamed.

Wu Shihan was watching a TV series, she was taken aback by Guo Jiahui's name, she patted her chest, turned her head and gave Guo Jiahui a hard look, "Guo Jiahui, what's your name!"

Guo Jiahui hurriedly shouted, "Hurry up, hurry up! Look, it's Xiaoxue, Xiaoxue has descended! Xiaoxue has descended!"

"What?" Wu Shihan quickly ran to Guo Jiahui's side, looked at the content on the computer, and immediately screamed, covering her mouth with both hands, and said in disbelief, "How is it possible? Xiaoxue really descended to earth?"

"Hahaha! Xiaoxue has gone down to earth!" Guo Jiahui jumped up excitedly, and hugged Wu Shihan together.

Wu Shihan also jumped and shouted excitedly, "Let's go to Hucheng quickly, I'm going to find Xiaoxue!"

"Yeah!" Guo Jiahui nodded in agreement.

"Neighbor, what's your name!" At this moment, there was a burst of dissatisfied scolding from the bedroom next door.

Guo Jiahui and Wu Shihan made a grimace at the door of their dormitory, with excited smiles on their faces, hurriedly sorted out some of their clothes, and then booked a flight ticket online to see if there was any plane to the Shenglong District of Hucheng.

Everyone is looking forward to the real finale, revealed in advance, the real finale will be tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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