1412 The Finale 27
Early the next morning, the entrance at the foot of the mountain outside the entire villa was already full of media workers carrying long guns and short cannons. They all wanted to find out if it was true. If they could take pictures of Qin Xue's family, it would be the best OK

Before everyone could see Qin Xue and Jiang Hao, high-end cars drove over.

"There's a car coming!" A reporter shouted, and everyone rushed forward in one go.

The car slowed down, and Chen Yu in the car frowned dissatisfiedly, and said to Sima Ye, "Boom away!"

Sima Ye nodded, and quickly called his subordinates to drive away these uncrowned kings. The person Chen Yu wanted to see most now was Qin Xue, and he couldn't disturb his boss's mood.

A group of men in black came out of the car behind and pushed the reporters away to prevent them from approaching, which also made a long way.

One morning after another, cars drove into the mountain gate one after another. Qin Xue had asked people to prepare these. She knew how many people came, and her spiritual consciousness had spread all over the Shenglong District. If she found someone she knew, she would let her Let people in, let them in.

Moreover, the old man will come over later, and those uncrowned kings can't be stopped outside.

Also because the old man was about to come down, the entire southern military region also dispatched troops to put martial law on all the peaks outside the villa, and no one was allowed to go up the mountain.

However, what they don't know is that even those reporters can't find the villa where Qin Xue and the others live by climbing the mountain, because Jiang Hao has set up a ecstasy formation all around, as long as he climbs to one-third of the mountain, the surrounding ecstasy formation It will be activated, let these reporters go around in a big circle and then send them back, try not to hurt them, after all, it is their reporter's task to find out the truth about the implementation.

Chen Yu, Chu Yang, Li Minghong, Yuan Zhixiu, Lin Junyi, Xia Xing, Ou Hanruo, Guo Wenjie, etc., all gathered in the hall, looking at Qin Xue and Jiang Hao in shock and excitement.

They originally thought that Qin Xue and Jiang Hao would not descend to the mortal world after ascending to immortality, but now that Qin Xue and Jiang Hao have actually descended to the mortal world, wouldn't this make them excited?
Of course, Qin Xue also re-explained to them why she and Jiang Hao were able to come down to earth.

After listening to Qin Xue's explanation, everyone understood it. It turned out to be the case. However, they were still shocked. They didn't expect there to be such twists and turns!
Qin Xue was also very happy with these good friends in front of her. After knowing the news of her descent, these people put aside everything and rushed over immediately, just to see her.

Looking at these friends now, she couldn't help but think back to a person she met after she was reborn. They all gave her too much help and care, so Qin Xue was very happy to be able to meet again at this time. see them.

Just because of these feelings that she didn't spare any effort to support when she needed it the most, Qin Xue felt that as long as these people in front of her were willing, she could guide them to cultivate immortality. She was also very happy that they could really ascend to immortality.

Jiang Hao hugged Qin Xue tightly into his arms with some taste. Seeing these men staring at his wife so hungrily, he was very upset. However, he would not really get angry, as long as Just a little jealous.

(End of this chapter)

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