Chapter 1485
However, at this moment, the door of the private room on Zhuge Yun's right suddenly opened.

A surprised voice came to Zhuge Yun's ears, "Xiao Yun?"

Zhuge Yun turned her head to look in the direction of the voice, and when she saw that person, she was slightly taken aback, "Huang Jianjia?"

Jiang Xingyu turned his head to look, and saw a fairly handsome young man, wearing a long-sleeved T-shirt and jeans, looking at Zhuge Yun in shock, and he was the Huang Jianjia that Zhuge Yun was talking about.

Huang Jianjia's eyes fell on Zhuge Yun's injured arm holding Jiang Xingyu, his eyes narrowed dangerously, and he said in a somewhat dissatisfied tone, "Xiaoyun, who is this person?"

Zhuge Yun snorted coldly, didn't like Huang Jianjia at all, and said in a very unfriendly tone, "Don't call me Xiaoyun, I don't know you well, and whoever he is has nothing to do with you!"

Huang Jianjia suppressed the anger in his heart, and glared at Jiang Xingyu angrily, "Who are you! Do you know that Xiaoyun is my fiancee!"

"I'm not as tall as you!" Zhuge Yun yelled at Huang Jianjia angrily, "Don't just tell people that I am your fiancee, I never promised to marry you!"

"But both your dad and my dad have already agreed to let us get married after we graduate from college!" Huang Jianjia said proudly in a natural tone.

Zhuge Yun snorted coldly and said, "Get out! Whoever wants to marry you, my dad is my dad, I am me, I have nothing to do with you! If you want to marry, you let my dad marry you!"

"Xiaoyun, this matter is impossible no matter how much you resist, my relationship with you is doomed!" Huang Jianjia didn't care about Zhuge Yun's words, and turned to look at Jiang Xingyu coldly, "Who are you? I warn you, you are not allowed to appear by Zhuge Yun's side again in the future!"

Jiang Xingyu glanced at Huang Jianjia indifferently, not paying any attention to his threats.

In fact, he was still wishing for it in his heart. It was because he was pestering Zhuge Yun, but Zhuge Yun was pestering him.

However, as a man, how could he see Zhuge Yun being bullied?

Moreover, Jiang Xingyu could feel that Zhuge Yun's hand around his arm trembled slightly, obviously out of anger.

Jiang Xingyu took a step forward and looked directly at Huang Jianjia, "Threatening me?"

"That's right, I'm threatening you!" Huang Jianjia threatened angrily, "If you dare to appear in front of Xiaoyun again, you will die a miserable death!"

Zhuge Yun was immediately annoyed, she was the one who forced Jiang Xingyu to come out today, and she was the one who pulled Jiang Xingyu from the beginning to the end, but Huang Jianjia dared to threaten her friend like this.

"Huang Jianjia, how dare you!" Zhuge Yun pointed at Huang Jianjia angrily.

Huang Jianjia snorted coldly, and glanced at Jiang Xingyu's neat suit. Although he had some money, it was obviously new.

Subconsciously, Huang Jianjia thought that Jiang Xingyu had only one dress that could stand on the stage, and it was worn for Zhuge Yun today.

"Why don't I dare, Xiaoyun, you have to remember, you are my fiancée, how decent is it to cuddle with other men in public!" Huang Jianjia reprimanded angrily.

Zhuge Yun hugged Jiang Xingyu's arm tightly, and said angrily, "I am your fiancee, what proof do you have, please show me the evidence! Also, let me introduce you solemnly, this is my fiancée." Friend, Jiang Xingyu!"

(End of this chapter)

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