Chapter 1486
"Let me introduce you grandly. This is my boyfriend, Jiang Xingyu!"

Jiang Xingyu froze on the spot when he heard Zhuge Yun's last words.

After hearing this, Huang Jianjia was stunned for a while, and then an angry look appeared on his face, "Zhuge Yun, you have the guts to repeat what you just said!"

Zhuge Yun raised her chin slightly, and said arrogantly, "There is nothing you can't say, his boyfriend, Jiang Xingyu, and, I'm a woman, I don't have sex!"

"You!" Huang Jianjia was so annoyed by Zhuge Yun's words that his entire face turned blue and purple.

Although Jiang Xingyu was a little depressed when Zhuge Yun said that he was her boyfriend at this time, seeing how pitiful Zhuge Yun was, let her do what she wanted!
"I don't care who you are, Zhuge Yun is my girlfriend, stay away from my girlfriend if you have doubts!" ​​Jiang Xingyu pulled out his hand, and then hugged Jiang Xingyu into his arms, his whole body burst out suddenly, and looked at him with disdain The eyes of the world looked down at Huang Jianjia.

Huang Jianjia was shocked by Jiang Xingyu's sudden aura, and took a step back.

"You!" The aura emanating from Jiang Xingyu completely shocked Huang Jianjia.

This made Huang Jianjia have to think about his identity again.

Although the clothes on Jiang Xingyu's body were only one or two thousand, it was already a lot for a student, what's more, it was a student's monthly living expenses!
Therefore, Huang Jianjia guessed in his heart, who exactly is Jiang Xingyu?Is there any other identity?
Huang Jianjia clenched his silver teeth. Although he was angry in his heart, he still suppressed the anger in his heart.

After all, this is in the capital city, and there are many princes in the capital city. What if he is really that kind of legendary figure?
It had to be said that Huang Jianjia was the real one. Jiang Xingyu was a prince among princes, the leader of that group of people, and no one dared not give him face.

However, Huang Jianjia planned to go back and investigate who Jiang Xingyu was. If he was just an ordinary person, then don't blame him for being rude.

Huang Jianjia snorted coldly, glared at Jiang Xingyu, then at Zhuge Yun and said, "Zhuge Yun, your marriage with me was decided by both parents. You are mine and will always be mine!"

Zhuge Yun glared at Huang Jianjia with hatred. This man has been attacking her continuously since the first time he saw her. He hasn't stopped since high school until now.

Moreover, every time the boys who were closest to her disappeared from her side inexplicably, almost all of them transferred to another school and left.

Jiang Xingyu narrowed his eyes dangerously, exuding an aura that made it hard to breathe. Huang Jianjia was so frightened that he turned his head and ran away, not wanting to stay here any longer.

Seeing Huang Jianjia's leaving back, Zhuge Yun gritted her teeth angrily.

Just now Jiang Xingyu's coercion was only aimed at Huang Jianjia alone, so Zhuge Yun had no idea, so Zhuge Yun had no idea that all of this was because of Jiang Xingyu, who scared him away.

Jiang Xingyu patted Zhuge Yun's shoulder and said comfortingly, "Miss Zhuge, let's go in!"

Zhuge Yun looked up at Jiang Xingyu, then bowed her head in shame and apologized, "I'm sorry!"

"It's okay." Jiang Xingyu showed a sincere smile on his face, and said comfortingly, "Don't worry, with me here, I will protect you and won't let him hurt you again!"

Bingbing knows that she doesn't accept Zhuge Yun's previous personality, so Bingbing will make some revisions later. If the heroine is changed again, the article will not be finished. Everyone wants to finish it too!
Bingbing tried her best to satisfy everyone in the back, but everyone just pretended that Zhuge Yun's stalking in the front was not seen, woo woo woo...

(End of this chapter)

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