Chapter 164 Worthless

"You don't have to worry about this matter." Sheng Shao'an added another sentence. He didn't mean to explain it to anyone who came over. As for whether she was standing or sitting, he didn't care. He still didn't forget Mrs. Tang's bullying of his little wife , he is not a kind-hearted person, and his people cannot be bullied by just anyone.

From the point of view of the convenience of retribution, Sheng Shaoan and Mo Ying are unusually in tune.

Sheng Shaoan protected his shortcomings. Before he knew what he wanted, he was extremely protective of Mo Ying. What's more, after he knew what he wanted, he drove directly to MAX.

Mrs. Tang, who came here specially for this, was very embarrassed. She had never been treated so coldly, and she was decent in front of Sheng Shaoan, but today Sheng Shaoan didn't know what was going on, so he didn't leave any room for her, embarrassing her.

She made a special trip to invite Mo Ying to the party. Mrs. Tang thought that she had given enough sincerity. Not everyone can enter Mrs. Qiusha's dinner party, even if it is a family, they cannot go without someone to guide them into the circle.

With her assistance, Mo Ying will be much more relaxed in this circle.

Mrs. Tang was angry or annoyed, but for a moment she couldn't tell whether Sheng Shaoan was targeting her or Mo Ying.

"Is there anything else?" Sheng Shaoan's tone was low and steady, but for no reason it gave off a sense of impatience.

Mrs. Tang only came for the dinner party, but if she said it was gone, she would never be able to say it out loud. It seemed that if she said that, she would be completely defeated in front of Sheng Shaoan. The past ten years had been wasted, and she still couldn't do it. She was a mistress who was looked down upon by others. When she and Sheng Shaoan met for the first time, that teenage boy looked at him with nothing in his eyes, as if he was just air, worthless, and not worthy of attention at all.

It is more uncomfortable to be ignored as if it does not exist than to be easily contemptuous.

Don't people live in this world just to reflect their value? If they lose their value, are they still alive?

Mrs. Tang was afraid and hated Sheng Shaoan at the same time. She hated Sheng Shaoan more when Sheng Shaoan was not in front of her, but when Sheng Shaoan was in front of her, her fear completely suppressed the hatred in her heart.

"You've been back for so long, and you've only been home once. I also want to come and see you and see how you are doing." Mrs. Tang felt that she had made a mistake. Why did she come alone? She should call that person , even if Sheng Shaoan would be upset, it would be better than her alone.

If Sheng Shaoan didn't speak, then the atmosphere in the whole house would be in a state of silence, which would only make Mrs. Tang's situation even more embarrassing.

Mo Ying, who has always kept herself safe and doesn't get involved in any troubles, would not take the initiative to talk to her. Usually, when she doesn't need her, she will weaken her own existence. She doesn't want to participate or be used as a gun for nothing. make.

Anyone with a wink would say a few words, don't make the situation as embarrassing as it is now, and pass Madam Tang a step. Madam Tang has never expected Sheng Shaoan to come to this step, and she has always focused on Mo Ying. , but the wooden stake kept its head down from beginning to end, without even looking at her.

Mrs. Tang was extremely aggrieved by this trip today, she simply took her own humiliation.

There was no sound, only Mrs. Tang stood alone. Before Sheng Shaoan said that, she didn't dare to sit down on her own. If Sheng Shaoan was upset, her situation would be even worse.

(End of this chapter)

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