Chapter 165 Honeymoon
"If you have nothing to do, stay at home and don't come again." Sheng Shaoan's attitude was very clear, he did not welcome Madam Tang who came to visit.

Mrs. Tang's expression was a bit stiff, isn't Mrs. Qiusha's dinner a big deal?She kindly invited Mo Ying to go with her, but she was ridiculed instead. It seems that good people can't do it.

"Okay, I see. I didn't think carefully. I'll go back today. If you want to go in the future, just let me know." Mrs. Tang didn't want to stay too long. Who wants to be mocked and looked down upon? She's not a masochist.

Naturally, Sheng Shao'an would not persuade him to stay. He held onto Mo Ying and sent someone away. Obviously, he did not intend to let Mo Ying do it. There was no servant at home, so Mrs. Tang had no choice but to leave in despair.

Mrs. Tang stepped out of the door, her heart was full of anger, but she didn't dare to let it out at all, and the door had to be firm so as not to make too much noise and make the people inside feel dissatisfied, even though she was dissatisfied. pole.

It hasn't been long since Sheng Shaoan came back, and his deterrent power has already firmly suppressed the forces of the Sheng family. Everyone is dormant, not daring to be the first bird, but if they don't move, they will still have a chance when Sheng Shaoan is firmly established?

Mrs. Tang put on her sunglasses to indulge the emotions in her eyes. She would not always bow her head in front of Sheng Shaoan. One day, she wanted Sheng Shaoan to really face their mother and child.

Mrs. Tang left and returned to the world of the two of them, but the atmosphere of watching the movie also changed.

"Do you want to go?" Sheng Shaoan didn't accept Mrs. Tang's affection, he didn't believe that woman really had any good intentions.

Mo Ying didn't know what Mrs. Qiusha's dinner represented, but it didn't prevent her from refusing. Those things that others valued were just a bunch of troubles she didn't want to touch.

Mo Ying shook his head.

This answer was not unexpected. Sheng Shaoan also saw Mo Ying's introverted personality and didn't like to join in the fun. He stretched out his big hand, fixed Mo Ying's head, and curled his lips with a slight smile, "You don't care what others give you." To refuse, because, I will give you, I will give you the best."

Because of Sheng Shaoan's actions, Mo Ying had to face up to Sheng Shaoan who said these words. This person has a good appearance, and Mo Ying has always known about this. He usually doesn't smile very much, but when he smiles, he will give people a kind of pampering Boundless feeling.

"That dinner party is so novel, why don't I take you to a place to relax. We have been married for a few months and haven't had our honeymoon yet. This arrangement is just right." Sheng Shaoan changed his mind as soon as his voice changed, and he really regarded the two of them as a The newlyweds did not take the one-year agreement into consideration at all.

Mo Ying didn't even hesitate, she was about to shake her head and refuse, but the big hand on her head made her unable to move, just when she was about to open her mouth to find a reason to refuse, Sheng Shaoan spoke again.

"Go, that place will definitely not let you down." Sheng Shaoan's tone was not tough, and there was room for negotiation, which was already the lowest gesture he had given.

The sense of strangeness in Mo Ying's heart became stronger and stronger. She felt that this change was too dangerous. No matter how low Sheng Shaoan lowered her posture, she did not want to agree.

It's just that Sheng Shao'an made up his mind, how could Mo Ying not fall into the trap.

"You never refuse me."

In a word, the dust settles.

(End of this chapter)

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