Chapter 236

"Ahhh!!! I..., I didn't mean to."

Ning Xia stammered, covering her face with her bare hands, even though this was her own man.

But it was really the first time for her to encounter such a scene, she felt extremely ashamed!
Ren Hui's cheerful laughter reached his ears, "Xia Xia, are you satisfied with what you see?"

Even though he said so, Ren Hui was actually trying to calm down, and if he looked carefully, he could still see the red tips of his ears.

It's just that Ningxia didn't look at it at all, she only felt a bang.

Her head had already started to explode, and her thoughts became blank. She opened the door and ran out quickly.

He snorted unforgivingly, "Rogue!"

Having said that, Ning Xia, who was sitting outside, still kept thinking about the man's strong figure.

Well, I have to say that my husband's figure is really good, but she is also really ashamed.

Ren Hui's joyful laughter came out again from the bathroom, Ning Xia wished he could find a crack in the ground and get in.

She patted her reddish cheeks to calm herself down.

She secretly cheered herself up, Ningxia, don't be cowardly, that's your own man.

So what's there to be ashamed of!

Maybe even more intimate things will happen in the future, so!Calm down!

Ning Xia cheered herself up for a long time, but it fell short when a certain man appeared at the bathroom door.

Ren Hui curled his lips calmly, "Xia Xia, it's time to change the medicine."

"En, good." Ning Xia bit her lip, her pretty face flushed slightly, her heart beating like a drum.

Ren Hui also knew not to go too far, so tacitly did not mention that matter.

Both of them were quiet during the dressing change, but something was different after all.

Because he knew that she was his wife, and she also knew that she was his husband.

They both know that the other person will be with them for a lifetime, so natural intimacy is essential.

During this time, in order to make Ren Hui's wound heal faster, Ning Xia will quietly give him some spring water.

Ningxia cared for Ren Hui in the hospital for a week.

This week, their relationship has heated up rapidly, and Ren Hui keeps teasing Ning Xia.

For example, at this meeting, Ren Hui kissed Ning Xia in a messy manner, while he curled his lips with a satisfied face.

Leaning in the man's arms, Ning Xia's face is like a peach blossom.

"Ah Hui, you are a patient now, you need to rest well."

Although she also likes being intimate with him, he must restrain himself.

"I know, so I have restrained myself."

Ren Hui caressed Ningxia's beautiful hair teasingly, and he couldn't help sniffing the faint fragrance of daughter.

This kind of dialogue happens almost every day, but Ningxia just can't find any words to refute.

She had to admit that perhaps deep down in her heart was a desire to be intimate with him.

"Cough, cough, cough." At this moment, Ren Hui's attending doctor came in, and smiled teasingly when he saw the duo's ambiguous posture.

And Ning Xia stood up awkwardly. As for Ren Hui, his face had become thicker during this time.

So he said without changing his face: "Doctor, I think I'm much better now, so can I go home to recuperate?"

Although his wife took care of him in the hospital, it was nice to molested his wife.

After all, it is a hospital, the smell of disinfectant is really bad.

In fact, he didn't want to live anymore after staying for two days, but Ningxia was worried about him and didn't let him leave the hospital too early.

So he lived for a full week before talking to the doctor about it.

(End of this chapter)

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