Chapter 237 Lin Sheng
The doctor narrowed his eyes, "Are you sure you have no major problems now, are you still dizzy?

Don't forget that you have a concussion. "

"I'm really fine now." Ren Hui's brows were helpless, but Ning Xia believed it.

Because she believed in the effect of the spring water, she echoed:
"Doctor, my husband has recovered very well in the past few days. If you are worried, you can check him up."

"That's right, apart from the fact that the wound hasn't healed, I really have no other problems now."

Ren Hui shrugged helplessly. Except for the first day, his dizziness became less and less after that.

Until now there is no such feeling of powerlessness.

And he thought of the master, the master should come back to gather medicine, so even if there is a problem after returning, isn't there still a master?

Ning Xia obviously meant the same thing, so the doctor checked Ren Hui helplessly.

Finding that there was indeed no major problem, I said helplessly:

"Okay, then you go through the discharge procedures in the afternoon and you can be discharged."

"Thank you doctor." Ning Xia smiled, changed her previous sad mood, as long as Ah Hui was well, she was satisfied.

After the doctor left, Ning Xia and Ren Hui smiled at each other.

"The doctor said that there is no problem, so you should rest assured now."

Ren Hui's eyes were full of helplessness, he felt that he was doing well now, and he was recovering well.

Unexpectedly, Ning Xia looked at him with a half-smile, "Huh? So you are in good health now? There is no major problem?"

"That's right." Ren Hui inexplicably felt guilty and had a bad premonition.

In fact, he didn't feel wrong, only to see Ning Xia hooked her lips charmingly.

"I heard that you did this to save others?"

"Yes, that is a child. I think he is so small."

Ren Hui smiled embarrassingly, his wife was about to get angry, what should he do?
Wait online.
Ningxia sighed helplessly, "Ah Hui, I don't blame you for saving that child.

I'm just mad that you didn't take good care of your life. "

In fact, she is very selfish. Compared with that child, she hopes that Ah Hui will be fine.

But she understands that her husband is a kind person, and she will not ask him to abandon his kindness.

She just wanted him to be kind and at the same time cherish her own life.

Ren Hui held Ning Xia's hand, "I'm sorry Xia Xia, I made you worry, if you give me another chance.

I'll still save that kid, but I'll be more careful. "

"I just want you to be well." Ning Xia pursed her lips, and didn't look him directly in the eyes after speaking, but got up and began to pack their clothes.

"Bang bang bang." When Ren Hui was helpless, there was a knock on the door outside.

Ning Xia opened the door, and saw a man leading a little boy and pulling a little boy.

The little boy seemed not in good spirits, but he was very polite when he saw Ningxia.

"This sister is good."

"Excuse me, is this Mr. Ren Hui's ward?" Lin Muyuan, a middle-aged man, looked at Ningxia politely.

When Ning Xia saw the little boy, she probably guessed their purpose, she nodded.

"Yes, please come in."

Lin Muyuan pulled Lin Sheng into the ward, and saw a handsome man sitting by the bed.

Lin Sheng quickly ran towards Ren Hui, "Uncle, thank you for saving me."

Ren Hui's eyes softened, and he gently rubbed his hair, "You're welcome, uncle is an adult, it's only right to save you."

 Little reader's name
(End of this chapter)

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