Chapter 376
Ningxia ran over in a hurry, held the phone and said quickly:
"I'm Ningxia."

"Xia Xia, it's me." Ren Hui's hoarse voice sounded. Hearing this voice, the worry that Ning Xia had been suppressing in his heart burst out in an instant.

She covered her mouth, tears trickling down her cheeks.

But she didn't want Ah Hui to worry, so she said calmly:

"Ahui, I heard from Jiang Li that her grandfather was injured, how are you doing?"

"I'm fine. You know the Jiang family has many bodyguards."

Ren Hui breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately Jiang Li didn't reveal his injury, otherwise his wife would be worried to death.

Ningxia asked uncertainly: "Ah Hui, are you really okay? I had a nightmare.

And I dreamed that you were injured, don't lie to me. "

"I'm fine, don't worry, I'm going to change the medicine for Mr. Jiang now, tell me later."

Ren Hui quickly hung up the phone as he spoke, if he was not afraid of revealing his weak voice, he would not have been so flustered.

After hanging up the phone, Ren Hui quietly left the doctor's office.

He secretly called Ning Xia in the doctor's office just now, otherwise someone should have found out.

He leaned on the wall and returned to his ward, outside the ward, Jiang's bodyguards were anxiously looking for him.

"Mr. Hui, where have you been? Your wound needs dressing change now."

"It's okay, I went to the bathroom." Ren Hui's face was pale, and there was sweat on his forehead.

A bodyguard quickly ran over to support him, "Mr. Hui, your ward has a bathroom.

So next time you don't have to go so far. "

"En." Ren Hui lay down with a cold face, did not speak any more, but let the doctor change his medicine.

Over there, Ningxia always felt something was wrong when he heard the beeping sound on the phone.

She pursed her lips, since Ah Hui said she was fine, it should be fine.

She laughed and scolded herself for being too nervous, Ah Hui is so powerful, she should be fine, but she was still worried about him.

Thinking of this, Ning Xia quickly returned home.

Li Juhua's sentence came down quickly. Li Juhua was sentenced to five years in prison, while Jiang Yuan and Wei Xiong were sentenced to six years in prison for stealing commercial secrets.

In the end, this matter came out of Ren Lei's mouth, when the factory was on holiday.

The Ren family members have already packed up their things and are ready to go home for the New Year.

When I returned to the village by car, every household had already decorated the lanterns and festoons, preparing to welcome the New Year.

Ren Rong walked in the front with his head raised and his chest held high, holding a large bag of New Year's goods in his hand, looking quite high-spirited.

Ning Xia was holding Zhang Fang and Ren Yue, and Ren Lei was also carrying New Year's goods.

"Hey, isn't that from the Ren family? They're back for the New Year."

"Look at it, look at it, the clothes that Ren's family wears really make a fortune."

"Yes, look at the coat that Zhang Fang is wearing, and Ren Yue, that girl's clothes are very precious."

"Leizi's overcoat is probably not cheap, and Ningxia's hat looks fashionable too. The Ren family is really well-off."

"It's a pity for the eldest son of the Ren family. No matter how beautiful Ningxia is, it's useless. You're a widow!"

"Yes, I didn't expect Leizi to grow into a young man. I think he is a good match for our family's lotus. Leizi is better than the eldest son of the Ren family."

"Bah, you don't blush when you say this, look at her spirited appearance, and then look at your shriveled lotus, how is it a good match?"

"I think it's a good match, a man with a talent and a woman's appearance."

"I think that Ren Yue is more and more beautiful when she comes out, and she is a good match for my eldest son. I don't know if he is a family."

(End of this chapter)

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