Chapter 377

"Hey, don't daydream, people's family is well-off, how can you still fall in love with that coward of your son."

"Who are you calling a coward, who are you calling a coward, believe it or not, I'll tear your mouth apart!"

Those people sat and rested under the big tree at the entrance of the village. They thought they were speaking in a low voice, but in fact they spoke loudly.

Not to mention Ningxia, even Ren Rong and Zhang Fang have heard it.

Zhang Fang's face darkened. Naturally, she couldn't be happy when these people said this about her son, daughter, and wife.

"Xiaofang, you guys are back. Where did you go to make a lot of money?"

Someone called out Zhang Fang, and everyone else looked at their family eagerly.

Zhang Fang curled her lips, "We work in the Baiwei factory. The second daughter-in-law in the village knows that she is also there."

She now knows that it is useless to hide it, after all, there are already people working there in the village.

So Zhang Fang said it very honestly, but didn't say what she was doing there.

When those people heard that Zhang Fang was working in Baiwei, their expressions changed very quickly.

"Xiaofang, I heard that the recruitment requirements over there are very high. Both of you have interviewed?"

"En." Zhang Fang nodded with a smile, and the man was immediately stunned.

"You two are really amazing! My family and I went to the interview, but we didn't get the interview."

"Wait, Second Aunt, I haven't heard of the Baiwei factory you're talking about."

"You stay at home every day, so of course you don't know it. Baiwei is a newly opened factory, and the boss is rich, so the salary is also high."

"Really? Can I still go in, Aunt Ren?" The person who asked the question smiled flatteringly at Zhang Fang. She naturally wanted to fight for such a good treatment.

In fact, this was the voice of many people, so they all looked at Zhang Fang with full expectation.

Zhang Fang shook her head directly and said: "We are not recruiting people at the moment, but we can't tell in the future. I just came back, so I'll go back and tidy up the house first. I haven't lived in it for so long, so I guess it's covered in dust."

After speaking, Zhang Fang pulled Ning Xia and Ren Yue towards the house quickly, not wanting to break up with these.

The people under the big tree were a little speechless, and curled their lips at the back of Ren's family.

"Sure enough, she is rich. Look at her attitude. Alas, she will rarely come back in the future."

"Don't speak sour words, Aunt Ren is a very nice person, but you are the one who speaks eccentrically."

"Tch, I think it's because you want to curry favor with him, after all, he is a moderate leader in the factory now."

"Yo, it's none of your business!"

"It's a pity for the eldest daughter-in-law of the Ren family. The eldest son of the Ren family is not at home all year round. He is a widow every day. No matter how rich he is, it is useless."

"It's done. Take a look at Ningxia. Before you married the Ren family, what was your life like? Now you are very happy."

"Wait, why do I feel that since Ningxia married into the Ren family, the Ren family has developed? Could it be that Ningxia is a prosperous husband?!"

"It's very possible, tsk tsk, the Ren family is really developed now."

"I knew that Ningxia was a prosperous family. Back then, I asked my dog ​​boy to propose marriage. Now I don't have a natal family. How wonderful it is."

"Qi, who can take a liking to your son of a bitch."

"Hey, my dog ​​is doing well, don't be sarcastic."

"Stop talking sour words, I have to go back and ask my son, Ren Yue is indeed pretty good, just right to be a daughter-in-law."

"Oh, wait for me, my girl is also good, if she can marry the second boy of the Ren family, it would be great."

These people spoke sour words, but in fact they envied Ningxia very much in their hearts, and each of them planned to have a relationship with Ren's family.

Of course, they don't dare to say bad things in front of Ren's family now, but they don't dare to offend Ren's family now.

 August is here, it’s a new month, everyone throw your monthly pass over here!


(End of this chapter)

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