Reborn 1990's Chef's Sweet Wife

Chapter 395 You Are Not Their Aunt

Chapter 395 You Are Not Their Aunt
"That's right, you are not their aunt." Zhang Fan walked slowly, looking at Li Yu without a trace of warmth in his eyes.

Li Yu had never seen Zhang Fan like this before, and he didn't intend to show her any affection in front of the juniors.

She froze her face and looked at Zhang Fan pitifully, "Zhang Fan, do you really think so? Don't regret it in the future."

"I won't regret it." Zhang Fan's eyes were firm, but Zhang Tingting was a little anxious.

"Dad, are you really not living with your mother?"

"Yes, Tingting, Dad will treat you well in the future." Zhang Fan rubbed the top of Zhang Tingting's hair, his eyes softened.

Li Yu's eyes widened in disbelief, "Zhang Fan, do you have someone?
Definitely, there is only one girl in the Zhang family, Tingting, who is about to die. Are you looking for someone to give birth to a son for you? I can do it too! "

Li Yu is still patriarchal in his bones, so he naturally thinks so.

Zhang Fan looked at Li Yu with that unbelievable look, "I thought you were just vain and unrighteous, but now it seems more than that.

I have had Tingting all these years, and I have never said a word to you that I will treat Tingting well. "

Tingting is a girl, he doesn't mind at all, they are all his children after all, what's the difference between a boy and a girl?
Zhang Tingting didn't expect her mother to say such a thing, her eyes widened.

It turns out that in my mother's heart, my younger brother is much, much more important than her.

Seeing Zhang Fan's expression, Li Yu felt a premonition in her heart that she seemed to be losing something very important.

She said in a panic, "Zhang Fan, I'm a bitch, I was talking nonsense just now."

"You go, we have nothing to do in the future."

Zhang Fan had a cold face, and Ningxia and the others stood aside without saying a word. After all, this was his uncle's housework.

They are no longer able to talk or intervene.

Li Yu looked at Zhang Tingting with pleading eyes, "Tingting, mom misses you, mom wants to live with you."

Zhang Tingting pursed her lips. Although she was not yet sensible, so many relatives said that her mother was wrong.

It seems that my mother has really done something bad, she is a little tangled and confused.

She didn't even know whether her mother was telling the truth or a lie.

Seeing Zhang Tingting's frowning eyebrows, Li Yu immediately turned his eyes on Ren Yue and the others.

"Yueyue, my aunt was good to you before, so you help persuade your uncle."

"Do you think I'll help you? After all, I know so many scandals about you."

Ren Yue frowned, she really didn't know where Li Yu's face came from, she didn't forget the last time she was beaten as a mistress in a department store.

Li Yu's face turned pale, and he turned his gaze to Ren Hui and Ren Lei.

"Xiaohui, Leizi, I am your aunt, if your uncle marries another woman, then Tingting will have a stepmother.

How many stepmothers in this world would treat their children well?You are Tingting's cousin, you should know that I will treat Tingting well, I am her mother. "

"It's really unlucky to have a mother like you." Ren Hui's poisonous tongue attribute came online again.

Ning Xia couldn't help giving him a thumbs up quietly.

And Ren Lei was not polite, "We will not interfere with uncle's decision, you can do it yourself."

"Xiaohui, bring your younger brothers and sisters in. It's Chinese New Year today, and I haven't given you any red envelopes yet."

Zhang Fan smiled at them, Ren Hui nodded in understanding, and led everyone into the room.

Zhang Fan and Li Yu were left to settle their grievances outside.

(End of this chapter)

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