Reborn 1990's Chef's Sweet Wife

Chapter 396 Uncle Apologizes

Chapter 396 Uncle Apologizes
Ningxia didn't know what Zhang Fan said to Li Yu at the end, but Zhang Fan still had a smile on his face when he came in.

It is estimated that Li Yu has nothing to do in the end.

As juniors, they wisely didn't ask Zhang Fan about it.

On the contrary, Zhang Tingting's complexion was not good all the time, and she went back to her room silently.

In the afternoon, Zhang Fan brought Zhang Tingting back to Ren's house with Ningxia and the others.

Zhang Fang was naturally very happy to see her younger brother. Ren Hui told Zhang Fang about Li Yu when Zhang Fan left at night.

Zhang Fang naturally gritted her teeth when she found out, "It was all my fault at the beginning.

I shouldn't have promised your uncle to marry that woman, it's really harmful! "

"Mom, uncle has his own discretion in this matter, so let's leave it alone."

Ren Hui knew that Zhang Fang worried a lot, so he reminded her, so as not to be thankless in the end.

Zhang Fang couldn't help but rolled her eyes, "I know, your mother and I are not so annoying.

Your uncle is at least a few dozen years old, so I can take care of this kind of thing. "

"It's good that you understand in your heart." Ren Rong replied, saying that if you were the former you, you would really care.

However, since Zhang Fang has seen a lot in the factory, her horizons have also opened up a lot.

Doing things is much, much more stable than before.

After returning to the room at night, Ning Xia took Ren Hui to the space directly, because Ah Hui kept the injury from his family.

Ningxia asked him to bathe in spring water, and then carefully administered medicine to him.

Finally, he told him all the recent events.

"So, Li Yu was a mistress before?" Ren Hui squinted his eyes. Ning Xia felt ashamed of this and hadn't told Ah Hui yet.

So when Ren Hui knew about this, his expression was a bit indescribable.

He regretted it a little, what he said at his uncle's house today was too kind.

Ningxia nodded awkwardly, "Well, Yueyue and I just happened to see it.

She was also beaten up by her original partner and daughter-in-law, probably because of this, and now she has no choice but to pester her uncle again. "

"Looking at his uncle's appearance, he probably won't forgive her anymore. Let's leave this matter alone."

Ren Hui rubbed the top of Ning Xia's hair, noncommittal to Zhang Fan's decision.

The two stayed in the space for a while before going back to their room to sleep.

Ning Xia had already forgotten what happened at the Fourth Aunt's grandma's house, after all, if she remembered such unpleasant things, she would be embarrassing herself.

It's just that she didn't expect that the fourth aunt's son would specifically apologize to her and Ah Hui after paying New Year's greetings to his father-in-law and mother-in-law.

"Xiaohui, Xiaohui's daughter-in-law, I'm really sorry. I asked my mother about what happened yesterday. What she did was really dishonest. I apologize to you on her behalf."

This uncle looked a little tired, and he didn't seem to be in a good condition. It's no wonder that the fourth aunt felt distressed.

But this is not the reason for Fourth Gu's grandma to slander her, Ning Xia smiled slightly.

"Cousin, I don't want this kind of thing to happen again. She not only insulted me, but also Xiaohui."

"I know. I will talk about my mother later. She has no brains in her words. Please forgive me."

His expression was very sincere, obviously he didn't know his mother would do such a thing.

Ning Xia nodded slightly, "Well, they are all relatives, this time I don't care about it, if my cousin really wants to find a job, he can go to the security department of Baiwei for an interview, this year we will recruit some security guards, my cousin is strong and fit for security Work."

(End of this chapter)

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