Reborn 1990's Chef's Sweet Wife

Chapter 414 Tangled Ren Yue

Chapter 414 Tangled Ren Yue

Ren Yue walked towards the house in frustration, and she kicked the stones on the road.

Xu He is her best friend, she has someone she likes, she should be happy for Xu He.

It's just that that person is brother Zhen, she doesn't seem to be happy.

Ren Yue looked up at the trees on the street, the branches and leaves blocked the sun in the sky.

At this moment, she seemed to suddenly understand the reason for her sadness.

Is it because I also like Brother Zhen?

In the past, every time she saw brother Zhen, she was very happy. She thought she just regarded him as her brother.

But now that someone likes him, I think that there will be someone who will marry Brother Zhen in the future.

That person will give birth to Brother Zhen, and she feels very sad.

Is this what it feels like to love someone?

Ren Yue looked at her palm in confusion, it was a birthday present from brother Zhen.

A very beautiful bracelet, because she likes it, so she always wears it on her hand.

At this moment, Ren Yue was extremely entangled, and she realized that she seemed to like Brother Zhen.

But Xu He also likes Brother Zhen, and maybe Brother Zhen also likes Xu He.

She didn't want to be a woman who robbed others.

"Yueyue, wait for me." Li Zhenman ran over in a hurry, and there was even some sweat on his forehead.

Ren Yue turned around in a daze. At this moment, she seemed to feel that the young man running towards the wind was like a prince charming.

He is good-looking, and he always feels like a spring breeze when he smiles.

But Brother Zhen is the person Xu He likes, so she doesn't know what to do?
"Yueyue, it's not what you think, I don't like Xu He."

Li Zhen hurriedly grabbed Ren Yue's hand, wanting to explain clearly.

Ren Yue pursed her lips and looked straight at him, "But Brother Zhen, what does this have to do with me?"

"Yueyue, I." Li Zhen wanted to confess, but suddenly he didn't know how to speak.

Especially the other party's ignoring attitude made him feel a little frustrated.

Ren Yue broke away from his hand, "Brother Zhen, if you like Xu He, treat her well, she is a good girl."

Ren Yue even wondered if Brother Zhen came to see her every time to see Xu He.

He only came during the Chinese New Year, and Xu He also came. She suddenly remembered that Xu He had asked her.

She asked her how Li Zhen was?So from that time on, did Xu He already like Brother Zhen?

"I don't like her, Yueyue, it's you I like."

Li Zhen was helpless, how should I say he liked her for a long time.

From the first time we met, he fell in love with this eccentric girl.

Ren Yue opened his mouth wide in astonishment, with an expression of disbelief, "Brother Zhen, don't be joking, I have something else to do, so go home first."

She turned around as if evading, if Xu He hadn't confessed her love today, maybe she wouldn't be able to recognize her heart clearly.

But when facing Brother Zhen, she will be much calmer, but Xu He is her best friend, and she doesn't know how to face Brother Zhen anymore.

Li Zhen grabbed her wrist anxiously, "Yueyue, be my partner, I will treat you well."

"Brother Zhen, I." Ren Yue opened her mouth, but she couldn't say a word. She felt that her palms were already sweating.

Li Zhen rubbed her hair gently, "It's okay, Yueyue, don't rush to answer me.

I'll give you time, can you answer me tomorrow?You think about it carefully. "

He knew that Yueyue was frightened today, and he was afraid that she would give him an answer he didn't want in the next second.

Li Zhen suddenly found himself timid at this moment, because it was his beloved girl, he was uneasy and worried.

(End of this chapter)

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