Reborn 1990's Chef's Sweet Wife

Chapter 415 You can only be mine

Chapter 415 You can only be mine
"En." Ren Yue responded, and withdrew the hand held by him, her cheeks were already flushed.

Li Zhen knew that she was shy, so he changed the subject directly.

"Yueyue, how did you do in the exam?"

"It's okay." Ren Yue's voice was very low. Since Li Zhen confessed, she felt that she no longer had the same feeling in front of him.

The feeling of getting along has changed, she is a little shy and a little entangled.

Li Zhen also noticed the little girl's discomfort, so he gently tapped her forehead with his index finger bent.

"Yueyue, don't get too entangled, just get along with me as usual."

"Brother Zhen, thank you for sending me to the exam, and thank you for teaching me how to draw."

Ren Yue raised her eyes and looked at the other party seriously. It turned out that he had already played many roles in her life unconsciously.

"Silly girl, it is my honor that you are willing to let me teach you."

Li Zhen smiled, and that ray of smile entered Ren Yue's dark eyes like a spring breeze.

She only felt that her heartbeat missed half a beat.

Fortunately, they have returned to Baiwei, Ren Yue said with a smile:
"Brother Zhen, I'm in a hurry to go home, so I'll go first."

After she finished speaking, she ran towards the dormitory, as if fleeing in a desperate situation.

Li Zhen, who was standing there, stared blankly at her back, and then stroked his fingertips.

It seemed that her residual warmth still remained on it.

Yueyue, you can only be mine, you can't escape, and I can only be yours!

Xu He returned home in a daze, thinking that it was one thing to let go, but the pain in his heart did not diminish in the slightest.

After all, it was her first love since she grew up, and she lost her love before she fell in love.

Xu Jun happened to be at home on vacation today, and when he saw his sister coming back from the college entrance examination, he hurriedly greeted her.

"Xiao He, you are back, how did you do in the exam?"

"It's okay." Xu He replied sullenly, but his expression was not very good.

Xu Jun thought she didn't pass the exam, so he patted his sister on the back reassuringly.

"It's okay, Xiao He, it doesn't matter if you fail the exam, don't be too sad.

The big deal is that next year you will repeat your studies for another year. Your brother and I are also employed now. It will be fine to support you for a year. "

"Brother, it has nothing to do with the exam." Xu He smiled, ever since his brother was hurt by Ning Qiu.

It has changed a lot now, and my brother in the past would never say such a thing.

Xu Jun raised his eyebrows in surprise, "It's not about the exam? Then who bullied you? Brother help you teach him a lesson!"

The younger sister has reached the age to talk to, so Xu Jun was the first to think about whether someone betrayed his younger sister.

Xu He smiled lightly. At this time, there was only her elder brother in the family. She asked in a low voice:
"Brother, when Ning Qiu didn't want to marry you, were you very sad?"

At that time, she didn't understand these things, she just felt that Ning Qiu was sorry for her brother, and she didn't feel his heartache at all.

Now she has some experience.

Speaking of this, Xu Jun's eyes dimmed a little, "Brother, I will tell you, at that time, my brother liked Ning Qiu very much, thinking that he would be my brother's wife for life.

Knowing that she doesn't want to marry me, I still don't believe it, but the fact is that my brother loves the wrong person. "

Speaking of which, he smiled relievedly, "But it's all right now, I'm fine without her, why do you ask this? Could it be that there are boys really bullying you?"

"Brother, no one bullies me, it's just that I'm broken in love."

Xu He spoke out her heart calmly, facing her relatives, she suddenly had the idea to confide.

(End of this chapter)

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