Reborn 1990's Chef's Sweet Wife

Chapter 535 It Really Is Ning Xuan

Chapter 535 It Really Is Ning Xuan

"It's the same for the master, the master remembers to give it to me."

"Stinky boy! Wait for me to come back and deal with you!"

There came Xiong Yingjun's angry scolding voice, and then the beeping voice, Ren Hui was a little helpless, the master really lived younger and younger.

Ding Tao sat next to Jiang Li guiltily, blaming himself for not protecting her well.

And Jiang Li glanced at Ding Tao with a little embarrassment, did she treat him too fiercely? He even saved herself just now.

Both of them have their own little Jiujiu, Ren Hui and Ning Xia pretended not to see it.

As soon as Ren Hui and Ning Xia came back, Lin Muyuan next door brought Lin Sheng to the house.

The two were sitting in the living room, while Ning Xia and Jiang Li were chatting on the sidelines.

Lin Muyuan was very happy to come this time, "Xiaohui, the effect of your prescription is really good, and our customers are increasing steadily."

"Well, if it doesn't work, I should suspect that there is something wrong with your ability."

Ren Hui held the teacup, looking contented, which made Lin Muyuan quite speechless.

"You are very confident in your own prescription."

"That's natural. If I'm not confident, what should I do with it? I don't do things that harm others or myself."

The straight man Ren Hui turned back, and Lin Muyuan twitched speechlessly.

"You are really not suitable for sales, but you are suitable for being a boss." Poisonous boss.

"My second senior brother has always spoken so straightforwardly, sometimes I would be pissed off by him."

Ding Tao looked at Ren Hui and curled his lips, who told Second Senior Brother to always hate him.

Ren Hui didn't care what Ding Tao said, but asked about Lin Muyuan.

"Today Taozi and Jiangli were almost attacked, do you know anything about it?"

"If you want to talk about this, I really have a clue."

Lin Muyuan came here to remind Ren Hui, but he didn't expect those people to attack so quickly, they had already done so.

Jiang Li immediately asked in a hurry: "Say it quickly, if I let my mother know who hurt me, I will break her leg!"

The girl spoke so vulgarly that Lin Muyuan almost spit out the tea in his mouth.

But he kept his demeanor for a moment before saying:

"It's like this, yesterday, I saw that Miss Ning brought several strangers to our villas.

Those people have been staying in our villa group, I thought about some personal grievances between Miss Ning and her siblings.

Those are tall and big, I was worried that it would be bad for my younger siblings, but I didn't expect them to have already done it. "

"Who is Miss Ning?!" Before Ning Xia could speak, Jiang Li jumped up.

This person must be right, the person who attacked her on the road today is not a tall man!It was only for a while that she still didn't realize who Miss Ning was!
Ning Xia glanced at Ding Tao kindly, "Oh, that's Miss Ning who keeps admiring my third senior brother."

"That dumb?!" Jiang Li gritted her teeth. No one in the imperial capital hurt her at all, but she was plotted against by an unknown person.

Ren Hui echoed Ning Xia, "That's right, that's the one who claims to be my wife's sister."

Several people were chatting when the phone rang in the living room, and Ding Tao got up quickly.

The person on the other side of the phone talked, and Ding Tao put down the phone with a gloomy face.

Then he said to the people in the living room:
"My people found out that it is indeed Ning Xuan!!!"

This woman is really annoying, haunting, it is the first time he hates a woman so much.

Jiang Li was so grateful to Ding Tao, she looked at Ding Tao angrily.

"Okay, I was implicated in my relationship, that little bitch must have thought I was having an affair with you, that's why he found someone to hurt me!"

(End of this chapter)

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