Chapter 536
"Ah? The person she's going to attack should be me." Ding Tao, the idiot, didn't understand Jiang Li's brain circuit very well.

Jiang Li snorted coldly, "You don't understand that! She likes you so much, how could she hurt you.

You must think that the relationship between the two of us is very close, you see that Ning Xia and Ren Hui are not at home recently, we are lonely, that little bitch must be thinking wrong.

I am very jealous in my heart, so I want to get rid of this thorn in my side! "

She has seen this kind of thing a lot in the imperial capital, and she is another guy who is crazy about men.

Ding Tao opened his lips in a daze, "Is that so?"

Thinking that he and Jiang Li had been alone for a few days, Ding Tao's ears couldn't help turning red.

Jiang Li took over the words very naturally, "Of course, I've seen this kind of thing too much, who is called a girl?

After finishing speaking, Jiang Li, who couldn't hold back her anger, walked outside angrily, took a step, and asked Ning Xia again.

"Where is that little bitch's home? I have to let her know the consequences of bullying me, Jiangli!"

"Hey, you go forward and turn right to the front one. That's Ning's villa."

It's not a big deal for Ningxia to watch the excitement, and Jiang Li's temper is such that no one can bully her.

And Ning Xuan is so ignorant that she doesn't even know the identity of others, so she rushes to her door, it's like dying!

After hearing this, Jiang Li made a phone call, reported the address domineeringly, and then walked outside quickly, Lin Muyuan couldn't help reminding.

"She is a girl, will she be bullied in the past?"

"Don't worry, it won't happen, Taozi, the visitor is a guest, you go and protect Jiang Li, besides, you provoked this matter, it's best for you to solve it."

Ren Hui played tricks on Ding Tao, and Ding Tao would be stupid if he didn't understand. He immediately rolled up his sleeves and followed Jiang Li's pace.

Lin Muyuan was stunned, he looked at Ren Hui, "Are you sure everything is fine?"

Miss Ning's family has quite a few tall people, can Ding Tao be the only one?
Ningxia chuckled, "It's okay, my senior brother is very good, besides, Jiang Li is not bad."

"Mu Yuan, don't worry, you take Xiao Sheng home first, lest they beg you.

I have to take Xia Xia to support my junior brother. After all, if there is anything wrong with my junior brother, my master will take care of me when he comes back. "

The black-bellied Ren Hui spoke seriously, if Lin Muyuan hadn't seen the calmness in his eyes, he would have believed it.

But he didn't want to trouble his upper body. When Ren Hui could solve it, he simply took Xiaosheng home.

Only then did Ren Hui say to Ning Xia: "Let's go, Xia Xia, don't you like watching theater the most? The good show is about to begin."

"You, when did you become so skinny?"

Ning Xia pulled her lips and chuckled, saying that, she had already walked out holding Ren Hui's hand.

Ren Hui naturally knew her temperament. When the two of them approached the door of Ning's house, they saw Jiang Li pointing at Ning Xuan angrily with her hands on her hips.

"Little bitch, call me out quickly, dare to plot against me, grandma, I'm getting impatient!"

"What are you talking about? Our Xuanxuan has been staying at home well."

Ji Qing blocked Ning Xuan behind her, and looked at Jiang Li with a bad expression.

But she didn't notice the cold light that flashed in Ning Xuan's eyes behind her.

Jiang Li snorted coldly, "Oh, I almost forgot, this girl is dumb, so stop talking nonsense and apologize to me honestly, otherwise don't blame me for being rude, I, Jiang Li, am not a talkative person!"

(End of this chapter)

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