Chapter 540

Although Ji Qing and Ning Xuan were accused of intentional murder, the Ning family still has some roots, so they were released soon.

It's just that Ning Xuan was injured, and Ji Qing took her to the hospital.

Knowing the final result, Ding Tao was rather dissatisfied, "Oh, I should have told my parents and shut Ning Xuan up for a few days."

"Forget it, I had expected this kind of situation a long time ago, so I gave Ning Xuan those two knives."

Jiang Li curled her lips. If it wasn't for this, she wouldn't bother to get her hands dirty.

Ding Tao looked at Jiang Li with some admiration, "Jiang Li, you are really good at predicting things."

"Oh, I have fought a lot since I was a child, and I have experience." Jiang Li's tone was not salty, and she looked at Ning Xia with bright eyes after speaking.

"My dear Xia Xia, I'm so hurt, shouldn't you comfort the patient well?"

"Tell me, what do you want to eat?" Ning Xia was very helpless, but her eyes were full of smiles.

It feels so good to have friends!

Jiang Li swallowed her saliva, "I want to eat spicy diced rabbit, sweet and sour pork ribs, fish with pickled cabbage, and vegetables. I have already ordered someone to deliver them in the morning, and they are in the refrigerator in the kitchen."

As she spoke, she looked at Ning Xia cutely, she looked so cute.

"Knowing that you are injured, you still want to eat such spicy food." Ning Xia rolled her eyes speechlessly, this food is purely foodie.

She said so, but she had already gone to the kitchen, Ren Hui also got up and went to the kitchen, and glanced at Jiangli dissatisfied by the way.

"Don't call my wife dear next time, or I won't let my wife cook delicious food for you."

"Brother Ren! You are serious, I am a good friend of your wife, you are jealous of women!"

Jiang Li's eyes widened. How could she think that Ren Hui was handsome before? He was obviously a big jealousy! ! !
Ren Hui nodded solemnly, "You're right, I'm jealous of women, remember what I just said."

After speaking, Ren Hui quickly walked towards the kitchen, who made this guy act coquettishly and cutely in front of his wife.

My daughter-in-law has never been so soft-hearted towards him.

Jiang Li twitched her mouth speechlessly, and complained to the big man Ding Tao.

"Look at your senior brother, I'm such a big jealous vat, I'm a woman, I even eat women's jealousy."

"Perhaps in the eyes of Senior Brother, except for the fact that Junior Sister is a woman, everything else is the same to him."

Ding Tao explained it seriously, because the second senior brother gave him that feeling.

Jiang Li was speechless, she looked at Ding Tao.

"So all of you senior brothers have this kind of virtue? It's better to be my little Xiaxia."

"No, it will be fine as long as my wife doesn't get too close to other men."

Ding Tao scratched his head as he spoke, his ears turned slightly red, and Jiang Li immediately seemed to have discovered some new continent.

"No, Ding Tao, have you never been close to a woman?"

"So what? It shows that I am a dedicated person."

Ding Tao's expression became even more embarrassed, which made Jiang Li laugh out loud.

"Ha ha ha ha."

Listening to the devilish laughter in the living room, Ning Xia helplessly helped her forehead.

"This Jiangli is really a living treasure."

"Well, but she loves to attract my wife's attention too much."

Dissatisfied, Ren Hui raised his hand to help Ning Xia smooth out his broken hair. Ning Xia immediately pecked him on the lips, thinking about his toes.

"Okay, let's stop eating women's vinegar."

"Listen to you." Ren Hui raised his lips in satisfaction, what his wife said was right, so he didn't care about Jiang Li.

(End of this chapter)

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