Chapter 541

They promised to take Liao Hong back to pay back the money, so naturally Ning Xia and Ren Hui would not break their promise.

So early in the morning Ren Hui picked up Liao Hong in Lin Muyuan's car and drove towards their village.

It was still early when we reached the village, and many people were having breakfast at home now.

Ren Hui parked his car in front of Liao Hong's house, and a lot of people paid attention.

"You take this money and return it to everyone. Your teacher and I will wait for you here."

Ning Xia took out a large sum of money, Liao Hong shook his head hastily.

"Master, you don't need so much, the money you gave me yesterday is enough."

"Here, that money is your pocket money." Ning Xia gave him another 100 yuan, and Liao Hong got out of the car.

A car entered the village, and many people surrounded it. Watching Liao Hong get off the car, many people's eyes were a little unclear.

"Tsk, I didn't expect Liao Hong's mother to be so rich."

"I saw this car when I was working in the city. It's very valuable."

"Liao Hong may develop well in the future. If we knew this would happen, we should have treated him better in the first place."

"Who would have thought of such a thing, if only I had a car like this."

Those people chattered around the car, making Ning Xia and Ren Hui feel uncomfortable in the car, while Liao Hong ran over and said to the village chief:
"Uncle, I'm here to pay back the money this time. Please call everyone over. The money I've borrowed over the years has been kept on account. I'll pay you back one by one later."

"You child, it's only a few cents. Remember it, you don't have to pay it back."

The village chief said so, but he sighed in his heart, Liao Hong is a good boy, and he will be extraordinary in the future.

Liao Hong pursed his lips, "This is not acceptable. It is necessary to pay back the debt. Uncle, please call everyone over."

After he finished speaking, he opened the door of the house, moved out a table, and then took out his account book.

The village chief also saw Liao Hong's persistence, so he hurried to the village committee and took out a loudspeaker to call for someone to come over.

Seeing Liao Hong's posture, those villagers persuaded him one after another.

"Xiaohong, let's forget about the few cents. Back then, my uncle saw you as a pity."

"Yeah, it's not a big deal. We don't need that few cents these days."

"I only gave you a few bowls of rice back then, so there's nothing to remember."

"Hongzi, as long as you behave yourself in the future and have some promise, we uncles and uncles will be satisfied."

"You two idiots, if you want to pay back, you can pay it back. You still think it's too much money."

"Daughter-in-law of the Liao family, you can't say that. Hongzi is still a child, and he is a member of the clan. It's just a matter of extending his hand."

"Yeah, why don't you pay back what you say, Hongzi, you must not sneak around like before, okay."

"Uncles, it's only natural to pay back debts, and I, Liao Hong, thank you for taking care of me in the past.

From now on, I will follow the master to learn art. If my parents come back, let them not look for me. It will be good for them to have their own families. "

Liao Hong lowered his eyes as he spoke, and he didn't want to be a drag on one of the families.

So it's best not to interfere with each other.

"What? Xiaohong, didn't you follow your mother's relatives?"

"Yes, why do you say that, then who are you going with now?"

"Hey! What a crime, the couple are cruel. If it wasn't for Xiaohong's cleverness, they would have starved to death."

"That can't be the case, parents are parents after all."

"It's the fault of not raising the father, what's the use of the parents who were born but not raised?"

(End of this chapter)

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