Reborn 1990's Chef's Sweet Wife

Chapter 542 Be a Promising Person

Chapter 542 Be a Promising Person

"Oh! Hongzi, we all understand, but is your master reliable?"

"Yeah, don't look back, you've been tricked."

"Your second cousin supports you, but your parents, it's better not to!"

"You man, don't provoke dissension."

"I didn't try to sow discord. What I said was the truth. You said his parents were so cruel. No one came back to see him after the divorce."

"Chengchengcheng, don't talk about it, anyway, they have their own families, and they will have their own children in the future. We uncles are here to bear witness, and Hongzi's parents are not allowed to disturb Hongzi in the future."

"That's right, they all have their own children, who still remembers the children of the original spouse."

These people talked a lot, which warmed Liao Hong's heart, and he smiled slightly.

"Thank you, uncles, my master is very kind, and I will be fine in the future.

Now I will return the money owed to everyone, and I will come back to see you when I have the opportunity in the future. "

As he spoke, he handed over the ledger to the village chief, who read the names one by one, and Liao Hong returned the money to them.

After all, it was the child that everyone watched growing up, and no one said much.

This account is not completely accurate, but no one will care about these.

Even when Liao Hong left, many people urged him.

"Xiaohong, follow your master to learn things well, and be a useful person in the future."

"Study hard, sooner or later your parents will regret it!"

"Liao Family Village will always be your home, come back when you have time."

"Be a promising person!!!"

After Liao Hong got into the car, a boy couldn't help crying, and Ning Xia's tone was gentle.


"I really didn't expect that everyone hates me so much, but now they can say such heartwarming words."

Liao Hong hung his head. In the past, he felt that everyone must hate him in their hearts.

That's why I alienate him and don't like him.

Ning Xia smiled lightly, "You also know that before your parents didn't care about you, you were the only one.

In this era, everyone is not rich. If you help me, maybe someone in your family will go hungry.

Everyone has their own home, and everyone has someone they care about. You are just an outsider to them, so you can't blame them. It is love for others to help you, and it is duty not to help you. "

"Master is right. I used to be narrow-minded." Liao Hong blushed. He used to hate his parents for their unfeeling.

He also hated the indifference and alienation of the villagers, so he made up his mind that he would never owe them money in the future.

But now he understands what the master said, maybe they don't want to help him, but they are incapable of helping him.

Seeing his daughter-in-law's silly apprentice thinking about it, Ren Hui couldn't help but say:

"This world is like this, no one will regard you as the center of the world.

If you want to live a good life, you have to work hard and have a decent ability, so you don't have to worry about starving to death in the future, everything depends on yourself!

Only when you ensure your own food and clothing, can you help others as much as possible, and help the people you want to help. "

"Thank you, master!" Liao Hong nodded. Both the master and the master are right. How can you help others when you can't have enough food and clothing yourself.

Seeing that Liao Hong had listened to it and stopped being too horny, Ning Xia and Ren Hui both heaved a sigh of relief.

Ningxia and Ren Hui didn't know it at the time, and it was just such enlightenment that later Liao Hong became a famous philanthropist.

But in Liao Hong's heart, Ning Xia and Ren Hui will always be his benefactors.

(End of this chapter)

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