Reborn 1990's Chef's Sweet Wife

Chapter 543 This Is My Apprentice

Chapter 543 This Is My Apprentice
Ningxia originally wanted to invite everyone to have a meal together and introduce Liao Hong as an apprentice.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Aihong just wanted to recognize Yaya as her daughter, so she invited everyone to dinner.

Taking this opportunity, Ningxia decided to introduce Liao Hong together.

There are customs about adopting children at home, but Zhang Aihong doesn't have so many rules.

After the day's work is over, friends have a meal together, of course Lin Muyuan and his son are indispensable.

Zhang Aihong and his wife, Lin Muyuan and his son, Jiang Li, Ding Tao, Ning Xia, and Ren Hui, happened to be a full table.

Zhang Aihong raised her wine glass, "Thank you for coming today, Qiangzi and I don't have any acquaintances in the provincial capital, so we know you.

In front of everyone today, I hope everyone can bear witness that Yaya will be Qiangzi and I’s daughter in the future. We will give her a new name Wang Xiaofeng, and her nickname will be Yaya. "

"Yaya, call me Mom and Dad." Wang Zhiqiang was also very happy. He and Aihong's child will be born soon, and they will be a family of four in the future.

After getting along for this period of time, Yaya became very dependent on Zhang Aihong and did not resist her very much.

"Mom, Dad."

As a little girl, she still doesn't know what parents mean, and Liao Hong's eyes are already red.

In the future, Yaya will also have parents, and she will have an extra pair of parents who love her.

Wang Zhiqiang responded happily, "Hey, daddy will eat some meat, eat more, so you can grow meat."

"I'm so happy, we have a daughter." Zhang Aihong happily touched Yaya's little head, then held up the cup.

"Come on, let me toast everyone."

"Aihong, you are pregnant, so you can't drink." Wang Zhiqiang snatched Zhang Aihong's wine glass, causing Zhang Aihong to roll her eyes in dissatisfaction.

"Oh, I'm happy today, we have a daughter."

"Okay, Sister Aihong, you can replace the bar with water, we don't mind."

Ning Xia was smiling, drinking alcohol is not good when pregnant, Jiang Li quickly agreed:
"Ningxia is right, you can just drink water, we don't mind."

Seeing that everyone agreed, Wang Zhiqiang immediately changed her water glass, Zhang Aihong could only smile helplessly.

"Okay, let's drink!"

"Cheers, congratulations to Miss Aihong for her precious daughter." Ning Xia blinked playfully, and drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

Thinking of how his daughter-in-law looked drunk last time, Ren Hui immediately stopped her from pouring more wine.

"Daughter-in-law, you don't drink too much, so don't drink too much."

"One cup, just one cup." Ning Xia held up a finger, her cheeks were already slightly flushed.

Ren Hui had no choice but to refill her glass, "If you drink any more, you will be drunk."

"Okay." Ning Xia pouted, raised the cup in her hand, and said to everyone with a smile:
"Besides that Sister Aihong has a daughter, I also have something to announce."

"What's the matter, are you also pregnant in Ningxia?" Jiang Li, who had been burying her head in her food, suddenly raised her eyes.

As a result, Ning Xia choked for half a second when she was about to speak, and she twitched speechlessly.

"Of course not, what I want to announce is that I have accepted an apprentice in Ningxia, and this is my beloved apprentice Liao Hong.

Come, Xiaohong, let me introduce you, this is your Auntie Aihong, Uncle Qiangzi, Uncle Lin, Aunt Jiang, Uncle Ding, and this is Xiaosheng. "

Ning Xia was so excited when he said this, which made Ren Hui quite dumbfounded.

Liao Hong was very cooperative and greeted everyone, "Uncle Ding, Auntie Aihong, Auntie Jiang, Uncle Qiangzi, Uncle Lin, Xiaosheng, hello, I am Master's apprentice Liao Hong."

(End of this chapter)

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