Reborn 1990's Chef's Sweet Wife

Chapter 544 Something Happened

Chapter 544 Something Happened

"You are as interesting as your master." Jiang Li's brows were curved, and she was very happy for Ningxia.

Everyone greeted Liao Hong, and Ning Xia brought Liao Hong a glass of wine directly.

"Come on, everyone cheers, congratulations on my honorable disciple."


Seeing Ning Xia's drunken appearance, Ren Hui had no choice but to carry her into the car.

He knew that his daughter-in-law was really drunk when she got drunk.

What Ren Hui didn't expect was that Jiang Li was also a hidden drunk, so Ding Tao helped him back to the villa.

"Taozi, take care of Jiangli, I'm going back to my room first."

Ren Hui held Ning Xia in his arms, knowing that his daughter-in-law likes to go crazy when drunk, he took Ning Xia back to the space with foresight.

As soon as she sat down, Ning Xia murmured: "Cheers, cheers, I want to drink."

"You're home, Xia Xia." Ren Hui patted her face and said softly:

"Come on, take this hangover pill."

Ever since he knew that Xia Xia would mess around when he was drunk, he had already prepared sober pills.

Ning Xia didn't speak, just looked at him straight.

"Honey, you look so handsome today."

"Aren't I usually handsome?" Ren Hui looked at her bewildered little face and couldn't help teasing her.

Ning Xia puffed her cheeks, blinked again, and said strangely:
"Hey, it's so strange, husband, why do you have three heads?"

Ren Hui, who didn't expect her to answer him well, was very helpless, and put the hangover pill in his mouth.

When Ning Xia swallowed the hangover pill, she clapped her little hands.

"It's delicious, it's sweet, I want more!"

"No more." Ren Hui's head was full of black lines, so he couldn't eat too much of this food.

But Ning Xia tugged at his sleeve, "Honey, don't be so stingy, I still want to eat, can you give me candy?"

"Then do you still drink in the future?" Ren Hui supported her crumbling body, his tone full of indulgence.

"I still have to drink the wine. I will drink it secretly next time."

Ning Xia lowered her head, muttering in her mouth, thinking that Ren Hui couldn't hear.

Ren Hui really loves and feels helpless for his daughter-in-law who acts cute when drunk.

He picked her up and said, "Good boy, my husband will take you to wash up."

After speaking, he took her away in a daze.

Because of the previous experience, Ren Hui took good care of Ningxia this time, so Ningxia did not have any headache symptoms.

"Daughter-in-law, you're awake, let's go out quickly, Jiang Li was also drunk last night, I wonder if Taozi can take care of her."

Ren Hui rolled his eyes guiltyly, and quickly changed the subject.

"What? Then let's go out quickly." Ning Xia didn't have time to worry too much, the two quickly tidied up and left the space.

Just when he stood firm, he heard Jiang Li's high-decibel scream.


"It's over, something happened!" Ning Xia pushed open the door and quickly ran towards Jiang Li's room.

"Jiangli, what's wrong with you?"

Just after opening the door, Ning Xia saw Ding Tao standing up from the ground aggrieved, and Jiang Li looked terrified!

Ren Hui was standing outside the room. After all, it was not easy for him to enter a girl's room, so it was better to leave it to his wife.

(End of this chapter)

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