Chapter 547 Very Calm
Ren Hui felt a little wronged, "I think Tao Zi and Jiang Li are a good match."

In this way, Taozi should not miss his daughter-in-law.

Having been with her man for so long, Ning Xia naturally knew what he was thinking.

She twitched speechlessly, "Brother Third was just talking casually back then, don't take it seriously."

She didn't see any love in the eyes of the third senior brother, it was just a joke.

Ren Hui raised his hand to rub her hair, and said softly, "I know."

If Taozi really missed his daughter-in-law, it would not be such a simple matter, he would make him regret it.

The two of them were walking into the living room when the phone rang in the living room. Ning Xia rolled his eyes at Ren Hui before answering the phone.


"Sister-in-law, do you know what day it is today?"

Ren Yue's speechless voice came over, and Ning Xia could even hear her grinding her teeth.

She frowned and asked softly, "What date? Did I miss something?"

"No, sister-in-law, the grades are due today, I'm afraid you are the only one in the whole school who is so calm!"

Ren Yue felt that she was going to be so nervous that her sister-in-law even forgot such an important day.

Ningxia patted her forehead suddenly, well, if Yueyue didn't tell her, she almost forgot about going to school.

After all, she hadn't gone to school for a long time before she was reborn.

"Then Yueyue, are you going to school now? Just take a look at my grades, and call me when the time comes."

"No need, sister-in-law, what grades are you looking at? Just now your class teacher called and said that you are the first in the class, um, the sixth in the whole school. Are you surprised or not?"

Ren Yue rolled her eyes angrily, but it's a pity that Ningxia over there couldn't see it, so she knew that her sister-in-law must be very calm.

Ning Xia tightly held the microphone, "Really? That's not bad, it should be fine to go to your elder brother's school."

"Sister-in-law, if you are so calm, it will appear that I am mentally retarded."

"Well, I'm very pleasantly surprised, go to school, your grades should be okay."

"Congratulations, sister-in-law, I'm leaving first, brother Zhen is waiting for me, bye!"

After speaking, there was a beeping sound, and Ning Xia put down the phone helplessly.

Well, the sister-in-law who values ​​sex over friends.

"Congratulations, Xia Xia." Ren Hui hugged Ning Xia, and school was about to start, which meant that Xia Xia could go to the same school as him.

Ningxia smiled, "Yeah, it seems we have to go back, I want to go back and fill out the application."

"Well, leave my affairs to Lin Muyuan, and I will accompany you back." Being able to stay with his wife, Ren Hui now does not want to be separated at all times.

"Success, I just finished filling out the application form. Let's go to the mountains to collect herbs. You can grow some herbs in the yard of your space."

This matter has been talked about for a while, but Ning Xia and Ren Hui are both busy and have not set off.

Ren Hui naturally nodded and agreed, "Okay, I will listen to you, and then I will take you to the mountain where the master often goes."

After the sweet chat, the two packed their luggage, and when Jiang Li and Ding Tao came down, they saw Ning Xia and Ren Hui who were about to leave.

"Ningxia, who are you?" Jiang Li looked confused, and she just went back to her room in a daze. Why is Ningxia leaving?

Ning Xia raised her eyebrows, "Jiang Li, I have to go back to my hometown to fill out my application.

Whether you plan to live here or return to the Imperial Capital is up to you. "

(End of this chapter)

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