Chapter 548

"No, it won't be fun if you leave." Jiang Li pursed her lips. The family is so boring, and there are many little bitches, it makes her upset when she looks at it.

After finally finding a fun place, Ningxia had to leave again.

The problem is that she hasn't asked about the disguise technique yet.

Ding Tao's expression became even more depressed, "It was agreed that I would protect the junior sister, but in the end, second senior brother, you took the junior sister and ran away again."

He feels that he is completely useless as a hero now.

Ren Hui patted Ding Tao's shoulder solemnly, "Taozi, your little junior sister is protected by me.

You, it is time to pursue your own happiness, so brother let you go free! "

After he finished speaking, he glanced meaningfully at Jiang Li, who was full of displeasure.

"But... my happiness lies in eating delicious food!" Ding Tao curled his lips as a foodie, and the younger junior sisters followed the second senior brother away.

His standard of living will drop again, alas!It's really hard.

Seeing that what Ah Hui and the third senior brother said was wrong, Ning Xia couldn't help but pursed her lips and laughed.

Jiang Li scratched her head in distress, "Forget it, you go and come back quickly, I'll wait for you to come back here."

"Then the third senior brother is also here, the master is probably coming back, you stay with Jiang Li in the villa."

Ning Xia bent her lips, it seems that Ah Hui's proposal is not bad, and it's not safe for Jiang Li to live here alone, she still needs the protection of the third senior brother.

Thinking of what Ding Tao said in the morning, Jiang Li immediately refused.

"Forget it, forget it, I'd better go back to the imperial capital and wait for you. Anyway, you're going to the imperial capital to go to university, so I'll just wait for you in the imperial capital."

She didn't want that second idiot to say something shocking to the world again, about the lonely man and widow living in the same room, and perishing early in the morning, okay?

Ning Xia just smiled meaningfully, "It's up to you, as long as you are happy."

"Taozi, I will leave this villa to you. If Jiang Li returns to the imperial capital, you have to send her to find those bodyguards, so as to be safe."

Ren Hui explained it very carefully, and finally went to the next door to find Lin Muyuan to explain a few words.

Only then did he take Ning Xia away from home, and the two went straight to the train station.

It was already late when we got back to the dormitory of Baiwei Factory, but Zhang Fang's family didn't sleep, they were all waiting for them.

After entering the room, Zhang Fangxi appeared in front of Ningxia with a smiling face, "Come on, Xia Xia, you are tired from the car ride, sit and rest."

"Sister-in-law, you don't know. When I heard that you came back, my mother was so excited that she didn't sleep for a long time."

Ren Yue also had a smile on his eyebrows, and the whole family looked happy.

After sitting down, Zhang Fang came out with two bowls of noodles, "Xiaohui, Xia Xia, quickly eat a bowl of noodles to pad your stomach."

Looking at the poached eggs in the bowl, Ningxia's heart warmed up. Now, she is also the one who can be greeted by someone when she returns home.

"Mom, it's already very late. You and Dad are getting older, so don't wait for us and go to bed early."

"What's the matter? I'm happy. Both you and Yueyue did well in the exam. Our family has two college students. Your father and I are so happy that we can't sleep."

Zhang Fang smiled with fine wrinkles at the corners of her eyes, but during this time she found something she was interested in, and she became more confident.

Ren Rong no longer smoked with a dry cigarette. In order to quit smoking, he picked up a piece of rock sugar and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Yeah, your mother and I are very happy. You two have a good rest after eating. Tomorrow, we will go back to the village and set up a day-long banquet to celebrate Xia Xia and Yueyue's entrance into college."

"Dad, the admission notice hasn't been issued yet." Ren Yue was also very happy, but knew that it was a bit early to set up the banquet.

(End of this chapter)

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