Reborn 1990's Chef's Sweet Wife

Chapter 549 Will You Get Tired?

Chapter 549 Will You Get Tired?

Ren Rong didn't care about this, "Although no notice was issued, you and Xia Xia's grades are among the best, proper college students.

So it's okay to put it ahead of time, while your mother and I are not busy these few days.

Didn't Li Zhen say that we will recruit more workers for a while, and we won't have time when we get busy. "

"Your father is right. We should do it earlier while we are not busy."

Zhang Fang was overjoyed. With the addition of two sons, there were four college students in the family.

Ren Hui looked at Ningxia inquiringly, and Ningxia said casually:
"Parents think it's okay."

For her, it's okay even if she doesn't treat guests, but it's rare for her parents-in-law to be happy, so she has no objection.

Ren Yue didn't say much anymore, she could see that her parents were very happy, "Okay, I will listen to my parents."

Ning Xia and Ren Hui quickly finished a bowl of noodles before leaving the second elder's apartment.

Ren Lei sent them out and said to Ningxia sincerely:
"Sister-in-law, congratulations!"

This sister-in-law is completely different from what he thought at the beginning. He no longer knows when he has completely accepted her as his family.

Ning Xia held Ren Hui's hand and smiled softly, "Thank you, actually I just want to go through campus life with Ah Hui."

"Go to bed early, as long as I know how good your sister-in-law is."

Ren Hui patted Ren Lei on the shoulder, leaving Ren Lei speechless. There is no such thing as a narcissistic elder brother.

Ren Lei returned to the room speechless, but Ren Yue was very happy to hold Ning Xia, "Sister-in-law, thank you, if it weren't for you, I might not be able to pass the university entrance exam this time."

If it weren't for the potion that her sister-in-law gave her, she still has exam phobia.

"How did you do in the exam this time?" Ning Xia asked softly, and Ren Hui closed the door consciously.

The little girl Ren Yue stared at her instantly, "Although you are not as good as my sister-in-law, I have performed exceptionally well this time. I am in the top three in the class and top fifty in my studies. That's why I want to thank my sister-in-law."

Ning Xia raised her hand and pinched her face, "Okay, it's all the result of your own hard work, go to bed early, you have to go home tomorrow."

"Then, good night, elder brother and sister-in-law." Ren Yue watched anxiously as Ning Xia and Ren Hui returned to their room. In fact, she still had a lot to say to her sister-in-law.

After returning to the room, Ren Hui hugged Ning Xia, [brain supplement]

After agreeing to go back to the countryside, Zhang Fang and Ren Rong had already asked for leave, and the whole family happily rushed home.

Because they were going back to hold a banquet, Ren Rong bought a lot of meat specially, so when they went back, they carried big bags and small bags.

But Ning Xia and Ren Yue were exceptions, they carried vegetables and relatively light luggage.

Finally approaching the entrance of the village, Ren Yue quietly moved to Ning Xia's side, and finally found a chance to talk to her sister-in-law alone.

"Sister-in-law, although I did well in the exam this time, I can't compare with you, but I'm still stable in college, but I haven't decided what college to apply for yet."

"When the time comes to fill in the application form, let's analyze and analyze it. Did Li Zhen give you a reference?"

Ning Xia raised her eyebrows. It would be two days before she filled out her application, so she didn't need to think too much, since she planned to go to the same school as Ah Hui.

When Li Zhen was mentioned, Ren Yue's pretty face blushed, "He wants me to fill in his school's Academy of Fine Arts."

In this art test, her paintings are also good, so she wants to learn art, but she hasn't decided which school to go to.

"Then there is nothing to hesitate, just go to his school."

Ningxia laughed jokingly, causing Ren Yue's pretty face to blush again, and she said softly:

"But if you are in a school, you will be bored if you stay together every day."

(End of this chapter)

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