Chapter 551

"Back when you had so many children, we thought you were tired of taking care of them. Now, everyone is promising, even the daughter-in-law is a college student."

"According to me, your family in Ningxia is from Wangfu. Look, she just married here. Your family is rich and is a leader. Now everyone is a college student."

Zhang Fang couldn't close her mouth with a smile, "Yes, our daughter-in-law is a lucky one, and Xiaohui is lucky to marry her."

"If I knew Ningxia was so lucky, I should have proposed marriage back then, hahaha."

"You are an afterthought. No matter how lucky you are, you have to be hardworking. I said Xiaofang taught her well, and the children are hardworking. If it were the slacker in your family, he would still be a slacker."

"What are you talking about? Why is my dog ​​so lazy? You didn't see him when he was working hard."

"Okay, don't make noise. We are here to congratulate Xiaofang. Besides, Xiaofang, I still have something to ask you."

An aunt with a round face eased the atmosphere, otherwise Zhang Fang's face would be pulled down.

What do you mean that you should have proposed marriage to Xia Xia in the first place? Isn't that outrageous?

Their family, Ningxia, still doesn't like that slacker.

The person who spoke also knew that he had said something wrong, so he had to hide away with a shy smile.

Zhang Fang's expression softened, "Juanzi, what are you going to say?"

"It's like this, my natal nephew is also a college student, about the same age as your Leizi, I think it's just right for your Yueyue.

Yueyue of your family has just entered university and is about the same age. You can get engaged first at this moment, and get married after graduating from university. "

Juanzi smiled happily, but Zhang Fang's face changed in the next second.

"Our family's Yueyue is still young, and I plan to keep her for a few years, and we'll talk about it later."

"It's not too young, why don't we arrange a meeting for them later?"

Juanzi thought that the Ren family had developed, so they had to get in touch with each other in advance. If they changed later, they might not be able to get in touch.

Zhang Fang knew that there was something going on between her daughter and Li Zhen, so of course she wouldn't fight a mandarin duck.

So she directly said to Na Juanzi: "Our family, Yueyue, said it herself, and now we should focus on studies first."

"Then your Ningxia family should get married first and then go to college. It's the same reason."

Juanzi didn't give up, relying on her good relationship with Zhang Fang in the past, she seemed to be buying and selling by force.

Zhang Fang's face darkened, "Let's talk about this later, Yueyue is still young."

"That's right, Juanzi, I think Leizi has reached the age of marriage. My natal niece is a technical secondary school student. Xiaofang, should you consider letting the two children meet?"

Another person wanted to give Ren Lei a blind date. Zhang Fang really had a headache. Ren Rong, who had been busy in the distance, quickly rescued his wife.

"Xiaofang, the house is full of dust now, what are you talking about? Clean it up and treat me tomorrow."

"Oh, I'll be here right away. I'm sorry everyone, let's talk later. I just came back and my house hasn't been cleaned yet."

Zhang Fang had a bitter look on his face, and those people immediately expressed that they didn't care, they were all people who could read their faces.

"It's okay, it's okay, you are busy first, and we sisters will talk later."

"Yes, Xiaofang, we will come back tomorrow."

"Don't bother you to do hygiene."

Those people walked out of Ren's yard, but some couldn't help curling their lips as soon as they walked out.

"It's developed, and it doesn't look like what we introduced."

"You are not talking nonsense. If people are well-off, they must meet better ones. I advise you not to waste your time in vain."

(End of this chapter)

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