Reborn 1990's Chef's Sweet Wife

Chapter 552 It's Not Unfounded Worry

Chapter 552 It's Not Unfounded Worry
"It's none of your business! My relatives are so good, they are worthy of their family."

"Tch, what kind of college student, that is, a second-rate technical secondary school student, speaks so nicely."

"You little dog is meddling with mice!"

"I think you are wishful thinking, stop daydreaming!"

Zhang Fang, who was standing in the yard about to close the door, felt very uncomfortable when she heard what those people said.

She told Ren Rong everything she heard, and Ren Rong persuaded:

"You, don't talk to those people, don't care what they say, you live your own life, after she speaks badly, you just stay away."

"I just can't see them talking about our children, who are they?"

Zhang Fang pouted, she never interfered too much with the children's affairs.

Especially when it comes to finding a partner, they just check it out, and they will never force their children.

The introductions here are all messy people, isn't this harmful?

While cleaning the window, Ren Hui said: "The children will decide their own affairs, so don't worry about it so much.

Now we are not envious of that family in the village, and those who are short-sighted will not dare to offend you. "

"I know." Zhang Fang shook her hand, she knew the truth, but she was also panicking in the bottom of her heart.

The Ningxia gossip in the room said to Ren Hui: "Did you hear what those people in the yard said, that's because they fell in love with Leizi and Yueyue."

"Parents won't agree." Ren Hui was sure, because he knew that his parents were very open-minded and would not interfere with them.

After getting along for so long, Ningxia naturally understood, but thinking of some people, she had to remind Ren Hui.

"That being said, I'm afraid that those people will bring others to visit tomorrow."

"Probably not." Ren Hui was a little suspicious, he just heard his mother refuse.

Facts have proved that Ningxia is not unfounded. When eating the flowing water banquet the next day, Ningxia and Ren Yue, as today's protagonists, will naturally show up.

Before it even started, Zhang Fang instructed his sons to set the table, when she saw Juanzi walking over with her nephew.

She said directly to Zhang Fang: "Xiao Fang, take a look, this is my nephew He Bin, who happens to be playing at my house, so I'll bring him over for dinner, don't you mind?"

Zhang Fang's face sank, and he just responded lightly:

"It's okay, we have a running water mat here, and everyone in the village can come to eat."

But she has been overwhelmed by Juanzi, obviously she has already refused.

He just raised his eyes and looked at the boy standing behind Juanzi, he was white and clean, and Wenwen Jingjing seemed to be not bad.

But Yueyue already has Li Zhen, although Zhang Fang thinks that Li Zhen looks good.

Maybe she has seen better ones, but she is still a little picky about He Bin in front of her.

It just so happened that Ningxia and Ren Yue were coming out with bowls and chopsticks, and Juanzi yelled.

"Yueyue, come here."

Ren Yue put down the bowl for some confusion, and Ning Xia who was beside her saw He Bin when she turned around.

Ningxia almost didn't hold the bowl securely. Isn't this the husband of Ren Yue's previous life? Sure enough, although the butterfly effect is very powerful, people who should be met will still be met.

Ningxia squeezed her fist and said to Ren Yue who was about to walk over:

"Yueyue, sister-in-law, let's go with you."

"Okay." Ren Yue didn't think too much, and walked over with a smile on his face.

Juanzi happily waved at Ren Yue, "Yueyue, it's been a long time since I've seen you grow so big."

"Aunt Juan." Ren Yue smiled politely, and Ning Xia naturally followed suit, even though the other party ignored her at first.

"Hello, Aunt Juan."

(End of this chapter)

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