Reborn 1990's Chef's Sweet Wife

Chapter 553 I have an object

Chapter 553 I have an object

"Okay, okay, this is my nephew He Bin, He Bin, this is sister Ren Yue, you played together when you were young."

Juanzi deliberately pulled He Bin and Ren Yue into the relationship, Zhang Fang and Ning Xia's expressions became ugly in an instant.

Zhang Fang forced a smile, "Yueyue has a great forgetfulness, and she has long forgotten things about three or four years old."

"At the beginning, Yueyue said that she would marry our family He Bin, but she didn't expect to grow up so much."

Juanzi ignored Zhang Fang's dark complexion, anyway, as long as the children saw each other, Zhang Fang would be able to stop it.

Ningxia smiled suddenly, "Yueyue, so you said such things when you were young, but you can't take it as a joke when you were young.

Aunt Juanzi don't mention it next time, lest our Yueyue partner will be angry. "

"Yueyue has someone to talk to?" Juanzi's face darkened. If this is the case, then wouldn't her good plan be in vain.

Ren Yue's face turned red quickly, knowing that she was thin-skinned, Ning Xia immediately said:

"It's not counting, it was introduced, but the man is very satisfied with our Yueyue, so Yueyue is thinking about it."

"Yeah, the spirit of that child's growth, we have worked together to make Yueyue get along with that child."

Zhang Fang answered immediately, just to get rid of Juanzi's thoughts. Yesterday she was afraid that Yueyue and Li Zhen's affairs would fail, but now she can't control so much.

Juanzi thought it was Zhang Fang's excuse for not wanting Ren Yue and He Bin to contact.

"How is it possible, didn't you say yesterday that Yueyue is still young and doesn't plan to get married so early?"

"That's because my mother is afraid that this will ruin Yueyue's reputation. Now Yueyue can be regarded as someone who has a partner."

Ningxia immediately blocked her back, He Bin, a scumbag who could fool Yueyue in her previous life, will definitely get rid of Yueyue's thoughts in this life.

Ren Yue finally realized that Aunt Juanzi was giving her a blind date in disguise, and she was a little annoyed.

"Aunt Juanzi, I have a partner, but we are still young and plan to get married after we graduate from college."

Brother Zhen did say such a thing, so she is not lying.

It was only at the beginning that Zhang Fang was worried that this would ruin Yueyue's reputation if it failed, so she kept it a secret.

Juanzi's face darkened, but He Bin said politely:
"My aunt likes to joke. I'm sorry everyone, sister Yueyue. I just want to make friends with you."

He also didn't expect the little girl who only knew how to play with mud to be so beautiful when she was a child.

Fair skin and a decent smile on his face are very attractive.

Zhang Fang and Ren Yue's expressions were relaxed, but Ning Xia was vigilant all over.

She knows this person best. In her previous life, she never said anything about her in front of everyone, but she pointed at her and scolded her as a fool in private.

He Bin is a virtuous villain, and she will never let Yueyue make the same mistakes.

Ren Yue smiled lightly, "It's okay, Aunt Juan, you guys are here for a drink, let's go, my sister-in-law and I have to set the dishes."

"Then you are busy." Juanzi's expression was awkward, but she still didn't give up.

After all, the conditions of the Ren family are so good now, even if Ren Yue is from the countryside, it would be a good thing for his nephew to marry a college student.

Thinking of her nephew's charm, Juanzi waited for Zhang Fang to be slapped in the face.

Zhang Fang was a little annoyed, but before she could speak, she saw Li Zhen walking in with something, and he yelled at Ren Yue.

"Yue Yue."

"Brother Zhen." Ren Yue ran towards Li Zhen with a face full of joy, anyone could see the love in her eyes.

That Juanzi's expression changed again, no wonder Zhang Fang looked down on her nephew, it turned out that such a good man took a fancy to Ren Yue.

(End of this chapter)

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