Chapter 558
But the Ren family members wanted to calm things down, but Li Yu didn't have this self-consciousness. She even chatted with the people in Tongshan Village.

Of course she claims to be the "aunt" of Ning Xia and Ren Yue.

"This child, Yueyue, I watched her grow up when she was a child. She was smart when she was a child, and she got into a good university as expected."

"Who are you? Why do we look a little strange?"

"I'm Ren Yue's aunt. I seldom come here. It's normal if you haven't seen her before."

Li Yu opened her eyes and spoke nonsense, and after she finished speaking, she ate the vegetables leisurely. She hadn't eaten meat and vegetables for a long time, and her movements were a little wolfish.

"No way, this person is Ren Yue's aunt?"

"I didn't expect Xiaofang's natal family to be like this. It's really embarrassing."

"Yeah, it's like you haven't eaten anything, take a look and take a look."

"Oh, I really didn't expect it, it's such a virtue."

"Sure enough, every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite."

People around began to point and point, but Li Yu didn't look uncomfortable at all.

She thought that Zhang Fan wanted to save face the most, and he would definitely not say that they were divorced in front of everyone at this time.

But she didn't know that Zhang Fan didn't want the only sister who was good to her to be a bad person. He walked towards Li Yu with a brisk walk, and put the wine glass in his hand on the table with a bang.

"Li Yu, I really didn't expect you to be so thick-skinned. We've been divorced for almost a year, and you still have the nerve to come to my sister's house for a banquet."

His unceremonious words made those pointing people confused. This is not Ren Yue's aunt, but the former aunt?
"Hehe, this face is really big, even after a divorce, it still has the profile of a wife."

"It's not a show. It's obvious that you don't want to give up this cash cow. Now the Ren family can be regarded as rich, and they have four college students. They are all envious."

"That's right, no wonder the divorced people are reluctant to give up this name."

"That's not right. After all, the Ren family is well-known in our village now. They are rich and have college students."

"If I were divorced, how could I have the face to come here to drink, I would have locked myself in the room long ago, and I would have no face to see anyone!"

"He has a thicker skin than a city wall, and there is nothing we can do about it."

"Who are you talking about? Who are you talking about? We are divorced, but we will remarry in the future.

Zhang Fan, I gave birth to Tingting for you, and you are so cruel to watch me not to be bullied by others? "

Li Yu scolded those who said her at first, then looked at Zhang Fan with a changed expression the next second.

Now she has no choice, her natal family doesn't welcome her, and she really can't find anyone else except Zhang Fan.

Zhang Fan sneered, "Back then you were the one who wanted the divorce, and now you are the one who said to remarry. Do you really think that I, Zhang Fan, is what you want and lose it if you want?"

"Xiaofan, I was wrong, I was blindfolded by lard, please forgive me once."

Li Yu saw that it was not good to be tough, and planned to be soft, Ning Xia who stood aside couldn't help but chuckle, and then whispered to Ren Hui:

"Ahui, is your former aunt really a junk collector? Did she forget the old man she hooked up with last time? She forgot me but she didn't."

Zhang Fan knew about this, but Li Yu thought that Zhang Fan didn't know about it. Zhang Fan didn't want such things to stain his daughter's ears, so he kept silent.

This made Li Yu misunderstand that she still had a chance, so she repeatedly challenged Zhang Fan and the Ren family's limits.

(End of this chapter)

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