Chapter 559
The corner of Ren Hui's mouth twitched, "Don't pay attention to her, she's just a clown."

"But this clown made my parents unhappy." Ning Xia turned her head and glanced at Zhang Fang and Ren Rong who were suffering from headaches.

It was originally a happy thing, but it was disturbed by Li Yu, and it was still his younger brother's family business, so it's no wonder Zhang Fang was happy.

Zhang Fan naturally knew that his sister was unhappy, so he said directly to Li Yu:
"Li Yu, if you have misunderstood what I said before, let me say it again today, even if I, Zhang Fan, am single for the rest of my life, I will never remarry you!

You understand, after you understand, don't pester me anymore, find someone to marry while you are young. "

His words can be regarded as very heartless, which can prove that he has really made up his mind.

But both Ning Xia and Ren Hui could understand him. After all, the divorce at that time was just out of breath, but the matter of Li Yu's divorce with a rich man gave him a big blow.

It was also like this, which made Zhang Fan realize that Li Yu was not someone who could spend the rest of his life with him.

Li Yu didn't expect Zhang Fan to say such a thing, and she was stunned.

When she turned her head, she happened to see Zhang Tingting standing behind Ning Xia, and she ran over to grab Zhang Tingting.

"Zhang Fan, are you really so cruel? Are you going to find a stepmother for Tingting in the future?"

Although she, Li Yu, is a brazen person, she also sees that Zhang Fan has room for maneuver.

She is now waiting for Zhang Fan's words. If this is the case, then she will find another man.

Zhang Fan's eyes fell on Zhang Tingting complicatedly, "Tingting, don't blame Dad."

Dad is also doing it for your own good. Having such a mother will only teach you badly. Dad doesn't want you to become like your mother again.

Zhang Tingting shook her head, "I don't blame you, I don't want you to remarry because I let you be tied together, don't even consider my feelings.

Because I am afraid that when you grow up, you will tell me that it is because of me that you have ruined your happiness. "

This is what Zhang Tingting thought about for a long time. My cousin was right, adults should decide for themselves.

After all, everyone is responsible for their own choices.

Maybe even Li Yu didn't expect her daughter to say that, because she thought her daughter would support her.

It was also at this moment that she knew that she would completely lose the man Zhang Fan in the future.

She let go of Zhang Tingting, turned around without hesitation, and then said back.

"In the future, you will all regret it!"

Zhang Fan didn't speak, but he silently said in his heart that he would never regret it!And Zhang Tingting didn't say anything.

Maybe everyone didn't expect this cheeky woman to leave like this, so there was a moment of silence in the atmosphere.

Ning Xia immediately tugged at Ren Hui who was beside him, Ren Hui cleared his throat and said:
"Everyone, continue to eat and drink. Today is a good day for my wife and sister. Don't mind the episode just now."

"Well, let's just pretend we didn't see anything."

"Head to head, continue to eat and drink."

"Let us also be blessed, and hope that all the children in the family will be admitted to college."

"You don't have to dream, it's just your lazy bastard."

"My lazy guy is at least a high school student, yours isn't even a high school student."

The noise in the yard resumed, and Ning Xia entered the house with Ren Hui on his arm.

"I feel that Li Yu won't come to make trouble again this time. I'm afraid she has given up on her uncle."

"I guess I'm thinking of finding another man." Ren Hui curled his lips. He didn't like this aunt before, but he didn't say anything for his uncle's sake.

(End of this chapter)

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