Chapter 598
Ren Hui nodded indifferently, and his sharp eyes fell on He Bin.

A slightly chilly voice sounded, "It's you who have been pestering my sister?"

"I, I don't, I just want to ask if Ren Yue has time, nothing to do."

He Bin pursed his lips, Ren Hui's aura was so strong that he didn't dare to talk nonsense at all.

The end of Ningxia dragged on, "Oh, what do you plan to do if Yueyue has time."

"." He Bin wanted to cry, he really had a bad start, why would he meet sister-in-law Ren Yue every time.

Moreover, the couple are not simple people, and they are not easy to deal with.

"Say, what do you want to do?!" Ren Hui glared at He Bin, as if he would kill him if he lied!
He Bin swallowed, and said with a little confidence:

"It's nothing. I still have something to do."

After speaking, without waiting for everyone's reaction, he ran away quickly, fearing that Ren Hui would catch him and beat him.

When the person disappeared, Ren Hui's expression softened, and Ning Xia gently held his hand.

"Don't be angry, it's not worth being angry about this kind of person."

"Well, didn't I tell you to stay away from He Bin, why are you talking to him again?"

Ren Hui responded, and looked at Ren Yue with some dissatisfaction, only then did Ren Yue realize that he shouldn't have talked to He Bin.

She lowered her head and said in a muffled voice, "I came back this time to make an engagement. Who knew that He Bin was so thick-skinned."

Knowing that she has a fiancé, she still wants to pester her.

"Well, maybe it's because we are rich." Ning Xia said it seriously, and it was true.

After all, the Ren family is now considered a wealthy family in the village, and everyone in the village envies them.

It is normal for the He family to be unwilling.

Ren Hui was noncommittal, "Okay, let's go back, and hide from him when we see him in the future, he has a mischievous eyebrow.

Maybe there's some bad move you're holding back, it's fine for you to hide a little bit. "

"Pfft..." Ning Xia almost laughed out loud, but she didn't see any mischievous eyebrows in He Bin.

After all, He Bin's character is not good, and his skin is neither good-looking nor ugly.

As if knowing what Ning Xia was thinking, Ren Hui couldn't help complaining.

"It looks like a pretty boy, and it looks like someone who eats soft food."

"Well, what you said is correct." Ning Xia suppressed a smile, and the three of them returned home slowly.

After returning home, everyone didn't mention this matter again, but let Ren Yue serve snacks by himself.

Of course, Ningxia couldn't help but beat Ren Lei again.

My sister didn't even look at her well.

Not a good brother!
Ning Xia and Ren Hui were in a hurry, and the next day was Li Zhen and Ren Yue's engagement banquet, and all the close relatives of the two parties came.

The customary engagement here is the type of marriage proposal, Ningxia and Ren Hui are exceptions.

After all, they were young when they got engaged, so they just told everyone, and then Zhang Fang and the others went to propose marriage before they got married.

Li Mingcheng was very happy and drove a small car over. At this time, the small car attracted the attention of the whole village.

"Wow, this little car costs a lot of money."

"I saw it when I was working in the city. I heard from my co-workers that it was called Santana."

"Look, I'm going to the Ning family again. Why are there so many people coming to the Ning family recently?"

"He is well-off, and everyone he knows is rich. This car is really impressive."

"I heard that today is the daughter-in-law of the Ren family who is engaged. The Ren family has had good luck and found a son-in-law from the city."

"Really, men in the city don't want city girls, but country girls? You're bluffing."

(End of this chapter)

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