Chapter 599
"What I lied to you is true. I heard what Hu Niu's mother said, and it is absolutely true."

"Yoyo, isn't this young man the one who treated guests? He looks really handsome."

"Tell me why he just fell in love with that girl Ren Yue. Our family's leaves are not bad."

"Don't be sour here, and don't look at what your daughter looks like."

"That's better than yours!"

In short, there are all kinds of things to say, there are those who envy Ren Yue, and naturally there are those who are jealous of her.

The noise outside made everyone in the house know that someone was coming, and Ren Rong, the head of the family, led everyone out to welcome them.

At this time, Li Mingcheng and Li Zhen got out of the car carrying a lot of things, and they were all wearing very formal suits.

Wang Lan is still wearing a very elegant cheongsam, her expression is always light.

And Zhang Fang and Ren Rong are also very formally dressed today, to be precise, everyone is very formally dressed today.

Ning Xia was standing behind Ren Rong with Ren Hui on her arm, and she looked at everyone with a smile all the time.

Li Mingcheng looked at a lot of people surrounded outside, his expression became serious.

"Brother, we meet again, this time is a happy event for the children."

"Brother Li, please come inside." Ren Rong made a gesture of inviting, with a big smile on his face.

Zhang Fang naturally went to greet Wang Lan. Although Wang Lan's expression was calm, she couldn't find anything wrong.

Ren Yue dressed up carefully today. She was wearing a floral skirt, which was very long and reached her ankles.

This was the style Ning Xia had chosen for her before, and she tied her jet-black hair into a long braid.

At this moment, her face was flushed, and she stood there shyly looking at Li Zhen.

"Brother Zhen, please sit inside."

Ning Xia and Ren Hui felt that they didn't bother the young couple, so Ning Xia dragged Ren Hui to the kitchen.

The curling mist rises, Ningxia's plain hands are turned over, and the wild camellia picked in the mountains is naturally brewed this time.

"My wife is good at making tea." Ren Hui wrapped his arms around Ning Xia's waist from behind, resting his chin on her head.

Ning Xia ignored his restless expression and put the teacups on the tray one by one.

"Be serious, there are guests at home now."

"My daughter-in-law says I'm not serious?" Ren Hui pursed his lips, with a mean expression, and his eyes kept falling on the person in front of him.

Ning Xia glared at him coquettishly, "Let go of me, I'm going to serve tea now."

"Well, good." Ren Hui obediently let her go, but his eyes did not change, and he followed her step by step.

Seeing Ren Yue standing outside the living room, Ning Xia looked very anxious, her white fingers clutching the hem of her clothes.

"Yueyue, it's time for you to perform." Ning Xia handed her the tray in his hand, with a smile in his eyes.

Ren Yue said, "I'll go, sister-in-law, I'm so nervous."

"It's okay, anyway, it's your future in-laws, so there's nothing to be afraid of." Ningxia's brows were tinged with a smile, such an anxious sister-in-law.

It was as nervous as taking an exam.

Oh no, maybe I'm not so nervous about taking the exam.

Ren Yue's nervous hands were trembling, she lowered her eyes and took a deep breath.

The step to step in hesitated for a while, and looked at Ning Xia in a panic.

"Come on! You can do it, Yueyue." Ningxia encouraged Ren Yue in a low voice, but Ren Hui said straightforwardly:

"Why are you nervous? Today is an engagement, which means that this matter has not gone away."

Ren Yue stared at Ren Hui speechlessly, "Brother, you are too straightforward, sister-in-law understands me."

My brother is still not as understanding as my sister-in-law! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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