Reborn 1990's Chef's Sweet Wife

Chapter 601 When something goes wrong, there must be a demon

Chapter 601 When something goes wrong, there must be a demon

Ren Li is Ren Rong's older sister. When Ren Rong was a child, she thought her sister was good and took good care of him.

It wasn't until his sister got married that he realized that her sister's so-called kindness to him was all faking.

The Ren family's parents are a bit patriarchal, so Ren Li always focuses on her younger brother, so the Ren family's parents treat her well.

After she got married, she would come back from time to time to play the autumn wind.

All good things were moved to her husband's house, Ren Rong turned a blind eye at first.

But the sister took away the food, and the children had to go hungry.

So in the end, the relationship between Ren Rong and Ren Li was very bad, especially after their parents were gone.

Seeing Ren Li bringing the child over, Ren Rong's expression darkened slightly.

Over there, Li Mingcheng had already started the car, and Ren Rong looked at Ren Li with dissatisfaction.

"Today is a good day for Yueyue, don't make trouble, or don't go."

"My good brother, my niece is engaged, of course I want to be there."

Ren Li covered her mouth and smiled. If she didn't know that the other party was from the city, she might not have come.

When the eldest nephew got married, she came and went through the motions, but she was busy with her daughter-in-law.

But there was no trouble, the daughter-in-law finally gave birth a few days ago, and only then did she know that her brother had become rich.

In the past two years, she has been busy with her son's affairs. Although the distance is not far, it is not a village after all.

She doesn't care much about her younger brother, and she doesn't know that his family has made a lot of money.

That's why she hugged her grandson. The family didn't have money to buy things for the grandson, so she thought of her younger brother's house.

I just heard others talk about the situation here, and heard that my eldest niece found a city resident.

So he rushed here with his daughter without stopping.

Zhang Fang quietly pulled Ren Rong, and warned Ren Rong with a simmering fire.

"She better not hold back any bad tricks, let me know what she is going to do, I can't spare her!!!"

Regarding the happiness of her children, Zhang Fang is like a hen protecting her cubs!The eyes are sharp.

Ningxia saw her parents-in-law's terrible complexion, and asked Ren Hui in a low voice.

"Ahui, what's the matter with your aunt? I was quite happy to see my parents just now.

Seeing her, the atmosphere is weird. "

Ningxia didn't have much impression of this aunt. There were a lot of people when they got married, and Ren Li avoided her.

Because he didn't want to give the bride a red envelope, Ning Xia only took a quick glance.

During the last college entrance examination treat, it was said that the aunt's daughter-in-law had given birth, and Ren Rong didn't inform her.

During the Chinese New Year, this aunt didn't come directly.

Well, that's why Ningxia has the impression that he saw a ghost! ! !
Ren Rong touched her soft hair with his big hand, and sighed softly.

"Every time she comes to the house, she is in the autumn wind, and she doesn't get rid of it, so the relationship between Mom and her is not very good.

When Leizi was admitted to university, she still wanted to let his son go to school instead of Leizi.

After my mother found out about this, she completely fell out with her, so there was no contact for several years.

Even if there is any major event, both parties are interested. "

The son of his wonderful aunt is older than him, but he doesn't have a job, so he goes to school late and is the same level as Leizi.

It was also because of this that she secretly approached Leizi and even threatened Leizi.

That's why Leizi's temperament is so cold now, but Ren Hui didn't elaborate on these things with Ning Xia.

He only told Ningxia to pay attention to the other party and keep a safe distance from the other party.

Ning Xia couldn't help touching her chin after hearing the feat of this wonderful aunt.

This product is comparable to Yang Chunju, and it suddenly appeared today.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon!

(End of this chapter)

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