Chapter 602 Jiang Shu
The bus was driving slowly on the road, and the young couple Li Zhen and Ren Yue were sitting in the corner.

And Zhang Fan also took Zhang Tingting and sat in the back silently, Ren Hui and Ning Xia sat beside them.

Ren Lei quietly looked at the so-called aunt in front of him, and bad memories came over him.

He slightly curled his lips, "Auntie" better not have any bad ideas, otherwise he will make her regret it!
The car was very quiet, perhaps because of the unexpected guest Ren Li.

Ren Li's daughter, Jiang Shu, sat obediently next to Ren Li, with her head down, wondering what she was thinking.

He simply arrived at the restaurant soon, and Li Mingcheng was already waiting there with Wang Lan.

A whole car of people got out of the car and were welcomed in. There was only one table at Ren's side, and the same was true at Li's side.

Ning Xia didn't like this noisy scene, so she walked behind silently with Ren Hui on her arm.

The table in Ningxia was full of young people. Ren Rong was afraid that Ren Li would cause trouble, so he directly arranged Ren Li and Jiang Shu at their table.

He also asked Ren Lei and Ren Hui to watch more, Ren Rong's table was full of elders, he was worried that Ren Li would offend the other party.

Zhang Tingting looked timidly at so many people, but Zhang Fan was an elder, so naturally he was not at their table.

Ningxia sighed slightly, and pulled Zhang Tingting to sit beside her.

"The adults have something to say, let's sit here."

"Thank you cousin." After being taught by Zhang Fan for a few days, Zhang Tingting's temperament changed a lot.

She also knew that her cousin-in-law was helping her out.

Ren Yue sat next to her, and Li Zhen was beyond.

And Ren Hui sat next to Ningxia, Ren Hui used to be Ren Li, Ren Lei and Ren Hui kept their mother and daughter by their side.

This is peace of mind, otherwise this guy might make trouble.

As today's protagonist, Li Zhen has a smile on his handsome face.

He held up his wine glass, "Thank you, dear ones, for coming to Yueyue and I's engagement banquet."

It was also this opening sentence that allowed Jiang Shu to see Li Zhen's appearance clearly. Li Zhen was born well.

Being from the city again, she fits all her expectations for her husband in her heart.

A blush flew across Jiang Shu's face, but that was her cousin's fiancé!
She squeezed her fingertips, a dark light surged in her eyes.

Ning Xia has been paying attention to the mother and daughter, seeing this scene clearly, so, probably because of her brother-in-law.

Li Zhen was still introducing Ren Yue to his cousins, and he calmed down after a while.

Ren Li was the only elder at the table, and she looked at Li Zhen with the airs of an elder.

"What's there to be thankful for? I'm Yueyue's aunt, so I naturally hope that she will live well.

By the way, niece and son-in-law, how do you think my girl looks like?She is Yueyue's cousin.

Are there any outstanding young people around you, please introduce them to my cousin. "

This is the purpose of Ren Li's visit today. As a country woman, she naturally doesn't know anyone from the city.

But Li Zhen is from the city, and it is said that he is very rich, so he must have a few rich friends and classmates.

Her daughter Jiang Shu is actually older than Ren Yue, but she has high eyes and low hands, and she looks down on those who look up to her in the village.

The people she likes in the city don't like her!That's why Ren Li had such an idea.

Ren Yue's face darkened, she was naturally not happy with this cousin.

Because when she was a child, every time her cousin came to steal her things, she squeezed Li Zhen's hanging arm with her fingertips.

Li Zhen's face is full of embarrassment, today is his good day, he really doesn't know how to deal with such a thing.

After all, the other party is also Yueyue's aunt.

 It's a new month, ask for a monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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