Reborn 1990's Chef's Sweet Wife

Chapter 603 I still need face

Chapter 603 I still need face

Ren Hui cast a cold glance at Ren Li, which made Ren Li shudder.

For these two nephews, she was afraid from the bottom of her heart.

"Li Zhen, treat Yueyue well in the future, or I won't spare you!"

Ren Lei raised his glass to Li Zhen from a distance, dissolving Li Zhen's embarrassment.

Li Zhen's affectionate eyes turned to Ren Yue, and said with a slight smile:
"Second brother, don't worry, I will treat Yueyue well."

He is very good, and the speed of changing his name to the second brother made Ren Lei very satisfied.

Ren Hui also said a few words, breaking down the embarrassing atmosphere created by Ren Li just now.

But Ren Li is not reconciled, after all, such a good opportunity.

Ning Xia lowered her eyes, and whispered to Ren Li through Ren Hui:

"Auntie, let's talk about this kind of thing later."

"Okay." Ren Li thought that Ningxia agreed instead of Li Zhen, and she was very happy.

She guessed that the niece and daughter-in-law didn't know what she had done before, so she turned to her.

Ren Hui didn't object either, it seemed that this niece and daughter-in-law still had some status in his nephew's eyes.

Little did they know that Ningxia just didn't want to spoil such a good atmosphere.

This table was full of young people, and soon everyone chatted together, of course, Jiang Shu who was next to Ren Li and whose eyes fell on Li Zhen should be ignored.

"I'm going to the bathroom." Li Zhen patted Ren Yue's hand, got up and left the private room.

Jiang Shu rolled her eyes and left quietly.

Ning Xia, who has been paying attention to Jiang Shu, has a secret secret, so she pulls Ren Yue.

"Yueyue, I want to go to the bathroom, you can go with me."

"I'll accompany you." Ren Hui put down his chopsticks, of course he needs to be with him in such a matter, what's the matter calling Yueyue.

Ning Xia twitched her lips speechlessly, and replied with a calm expression.

"I have something to ask Yueyue."

"Okay, go and come back quickly." Ren Hui told her, his eyes followed Ning Xia and Ren Yue to the door.

Ren Li next to him couldn't help joking, "Xiaohui, you really care about your wife.

Young people are sticky, if you go to the bathroom, just let her go. "

"Leave my business alone!" Ren Hui's voice was cool, and he didn't like this aunt when he was a child.

So the attitude is naturally not much better.

Ren Li glared at Ren Hui, "Xiaohui, I'm your aunt, why do you talk to elders!"

"Do you need me to remind you what this elder has done?" Ren Lei snorted coldly.

He has a deep memory of the events of that year. For this aunt, he may be the most hated among the three brothers and sisters of the Ren family.

Ren Li glanced at Ren Hui, then at Ren Lei, but did not speak.

After all, she still wanted face, for fear that the two nephews would turn against each other.

When Ning Xia took Ren Yue out, she saw Jiang Shu standing with Li Zhen at the corner.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it!" Jiang Shu pinched the corner of her clothes and looked at the man in front of her softly.

He is really good-looking, the most beautiful man she has ever seen besides her cousin.

But this person happened to be Ren Yue's fiancé!

If he can be snatched away, Jiang Shu's drooping eyes will show a little gloomy light.

Li Zhen flicked his sleeves, and he was hit by this girl when he came out of the bathroom.

Originally, he didn't plan to worry too much, so he said very calmly: "It's okay!"

He was about to leave after speaking, and Jiang Shu naturally followed, after all, her goal had not been achieved yet.

She looked at Li Zhen timidly, "You are Yueyue's fiance, right? I am Yueyue's cousin Jiang Shu."

The man in front of her didn't seem to know her. In order to get close to him, well, she could only mention Ren Yue's name.

This made her feel very humiliated!
(End of this chapter)

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