Chapter 604 Warning
Li Zhen's expression shook, only then did he realize that the person in front of him looked familiar.

It's a bit like the "cousin" that Yueyue's aunt said just now.

Perhaps his attention has been on Yueyue, and he has no impression of her.

He nodded, and then walked towards the box, Jiang Shu still wanted to pester him again.

Can't find a topic.

Ren Yue had already walked over at this time, "Brother Zhen, are you drunk?"

The simple-minded Ren Yue didn't notice Jiang Shu's little thoughts, she just saw that Li Zhen seemed a little drunk.

Then he hurried up to help him.

Li Zhen was indeed a little drunk, and was toasted by everyone in turn just now, so he didn't have any scruples about going outside at the moment.

Instead, he hugged Ren Yue, "I'm fine, Yueyue, don't worry."

"Who's worried about you?" Ren Yue said angrily, there are still people here, she was a little embarrassed.

Fortunately, they are all her own, so she doesn't have to worry too much.

Ningxia smiled slightly, "Yueyue, you help Li Zhen go in first, and I will go to the bathroom by myself."

"Oh, good." Ren Yue responded, and helped Li Zhen to leave.

Leaving Jiang Shu standing there in embarrassment, seeing Ren Yue hugged by Li Zhen just now, she was very jealous in her heart.

Why was Ren Yue spoiled since she was a child, but she was squeezed by her mother.

Ren Li is very patriarchal and treats Jiang Shu badly, so Jiang Shu is always jealous of Ren Yue every time she goes back to Ren's house.

This is why she liked to bully Ren Yue since she was a child.

Now that she heard that Ren Yue had found such a good fiancé, she followed her mother.

As a result, I was so angry that my whole body was distorted!
She really wanted to snatch that man over, Ren Yue's expression must be very exciting then.

"My cousin, I advise you, don't worry about things that don't belong to you."

Ning Xia raised her eyebrows and shook her head helplessly.

Alas, I don't know why, but now my ability to identify whores has skyrocketed.

So Jiang Shu's little thoughts were clearly seen by her!
Jiang Shu pursed her lips and pinched the corner of her clothes a little uneasy.

"What are you talking about, cousin, I don't understand."

Obviously the other party is about the same age as her, but Jiang Shu is very afraid of Ning Xia's cold eyes.

It was as if the thoughts in his heart were seen clearly.

Ning Xia shrugged, and said indifferently: "Oh, you know what I said in your heart.

Before doing things, weigh how much you have, and don't worry about other people's things. "

After she finished speaking, she didn't stay any longer, and went back to the private room by herself.

If Jiang Shu was smarter, it would be a good thing to stop here.

But if Jiang Shu persists, even if she does nothing, Yueyue's two brothers and fiance are not vegetarians!

Jiang Shu stood in place and watched their figures disappear, she was clenching her fists!
Why!Why! ! !
"Girl, maybe we can make friends." A handsome boy suddenly appeared in front of Jiang Shu.

Jiang Shu bit her lips in embarrassment. Did he see what happened just now?

"We are not familiar with each other."

"We are not familiar with each other, but we have a common enemy, um, and a common goal."

Jiang Shu's heart trembled as a bewitching voice came to her ears.

When Ning Xia watched Jiang Shu come back, her expression was a little pale, and she played with the wine glass.

This Jiang Shu seems to have stayed outside for a long time.

After drinking for three rounds, the men were all a little drunk, Li Mingcheng smiled and asked everyone to stay.

He opened a room at the hotel opposite, and Ren Rong naturally did not refuse.

A large group of people huffed and walked towards the opposite hotel.

(End of this chapter)

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