Chapter 605
It was still afternoon, and the women were taking care of the drunk man, so Ren Hui didn't drink much.

So Ningxia was lucky, but Li Zhen was drunk, and Ren Yue was there to take care of Li Zhen.

Sitting in the room, Ningxia was a little bored, someone knocked on her door outside.

"Niece and daughter-in-law, are you there?"

Ren Li's loud voice sounded, and she kept tapping on the door. Ning Xia glanced at Ren Hui who was taking a nap on the bed.

There was some irritability in his brows, and his eyes slowly looked in the direction of the door.

Ning Xia raised her hand to rub his hair, um, it's so soft, no wonder he likes to rub her hair.

She said softly: "I'll deal with it, you continue to sleep."

"Well, hurry up then." Ren Hui responded, he knew his wife's combat effectiveness.

A mere Ren Li, I believe the daughter-in-law will deal with it soon.

Ning Xia opened the door and went out and closed the door directly. She looked at Ren Li with an unfriendly expression.

"What's the matter, aunt?"

"Nephew, do you know which room Yueyue's fiancé lives in?"

Ren Li was worried. When she entered the hotel just now, she didn't see clearly that Ren Yue took Li Zhen to that room.

Ning Xia frowned, "What did you ask him for?"

Could it be that this weird aunt wants to help her daughter rob someone?

Ren Li smiled sheepishly, "Didn't you promise me to ask after dinner?

I just wanted to ask him if he could introduce someone to Xiaoshu. "

In Ren Li's eyes, although daughters are not as important as sons, daughters can marry better.

She will be able to help her son in the future, which is why she bothers so much.

"I don't know either." Ning Xia didn't want to tell this guy even if he knew.

Originally, it was just a refusal when eating, but she added at the end.

"For things like introducing a partner, you go to a matchmaker."

What's the deal with finding a big man? ! !

"Then, niece and daughter-in-law, can you ask for me." Ren Li pursed her lips.

She had already asked at the front desk just now, but they said that the customer's information could not be disclosed.

Ning Xia was thinking about how to get rid of Ren Li, when Ren Hui opened the door and glanced impatiently at Ren Li.

"Daughter-in-law, come in and rest."

"Oh, then I'll go first." Ning Xia obediently agreed, but she didn't want to help Ren Li either.

Ren Li was a little terrified facing Ren Hui, so she didn't dare to say anything, so she went back to their room silently.

Ning Xia thought that Ren Li would give up like this, but she wanted to ask Li Zhen again during dinner at night.

In the evening, they ate at the hotel where they lived.

"Young man, what do you think of what my aunt said? Your cousin is also very good looking.

And she is very diligent at home, do you have anyone suitable for her? "

When Ningxia came over, she saw Ren Li pulling Li Zhen there and talking about Jiang Shu's good points.

And Jiang Shu looked at Li Zhen with timid eyes, and Li Zhen smiled awkwardly.

"Auntie, it's hard for me to talk about this kind of thing. I'll find you again if there is anything else."

He was just being polite, after all, she was Ren Yue's aunt, so he didn't know how to refuse.

But Ren Li took it seriously, "Really? Make an appointment in a few days and bring your friend over."

"Ren Li, do you think I don't exist?!" Zhang Fang was pulled here by Ningxia, if she didn't leave quickly.

She really didn't know that her sister-in-law was messing around again.

If her mother-in-law saw it, wouldn't it make Yueyue lose face? !
So Zhang Fang was a little aggressive when she said this, and Ning Xia was standing next to her.

It's not that Ningxia has too many eyes, but that Ren Li has gone too far in this kind of thing.

(End of this chapter)

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