Reborn 1990's Chef's Sweet Wife

Chapter 606 Can't see them well!

Chapter 606 Can't see them well!

Seeing Zhang Fang, Ren Li's expression was not very good, and she smiled sarcastically.

"Sister-in-law, if there's nothing else, I'll chat casually with my future niece and son-in-law."

"Hehe, let's chat casually, Ren Li, you are shameless, your daughter wants to find a man.

You are looking for a matchmaker, or a woman, why are you looking for our Xiaozhen?
Xiaozhen is a person who wants to do big things, and see men for your daughter every day? "

Speaking of this, Zhang Fang became very angry. Is her daughter's man going to be instigated by this woman?
Ren Li pursed her lips, "Sister-in-law, this is a very simple matter, just introduce a few friends."

"Ren Li, let me tell you, as long as I'm here, you don't want to destroy the relationship between my children!"

Zhang Fang glared at Ren Li. It was this woman who almost prevented her son from going to college.

It is also this woman's child who often bullies her own child. She hates Ren Li deeply!
Now, do you want to provoke their relationship with the Li family again, do you want to see them well! ! !
At this time, Ning Xia gently tugged on Zhang Fang's sleeve, and Zhang Fang took a deep breath angrily.

Only then did she see Wang Lan approaching, she suppressed the anger in her heart and said to Ning Xia:
"Xia Xia, I'll go and entertain my in-laws first."

"Okay, leave it to me." Ning Xia pursed her lips, her eyes fell on Jiang Shu's clenched fingertips.

In fact, Jiang Shu's facial features are not bad, after all, she has the genetic foundation of the Ren family.

However, she has been oppressed by Ren Li to do farm work for a long time, and her skin is very tanned in the countryside.

The so-called one hundred cover one hundred ugly, that's why she doesn't look good like this.

After Zhang Fang led Wang Lan away, Ning Xia said to Ren Li:
"Auntie, you have seen it too, so you can ask my mother-in-law if you have anything."

"Hmph, what's the big deal, Xiaoshu, let's go!"

Ren Li snorted coldly and pulled Jiang Shu to sit down, Ning Xia was a little speechless.

She thought that this aunt had the ambition to take her daughter and go straight away, but in the end she just sat down cheekily.

She held her forehead helplessly, she really is shameless!

Li Zhen smiled awkwardly, "Thank you sister-in-law for your help."

Li Zhen saw that Ningxia went to find Zhang Fang, otherwise he really didn't know what to say.

Ning Xia smiled slightly, "It's okay, you can refuse this aunt's unreasonable request.

She will not affect your relationship with Yueyue. "

Ning Xia could also see that the Ren family had little interest in her, that's why she said such a thing.

Li Zhen nodded, and then took his seat. Dinner at night was very casual, and everyone chatted while eating.

Ning Xia stayed with Ren Yue all the time, after all, Jiang Shu and Ren Li were not good friends.

She was worried that the two of them would be monsters, and my sister-in-law would not be able to handle it.

I thought I was worrying unfoundedly, but Ning Xia didn't expect that I was not wrong at all.

At this moment Jiang Shu came over with the wine and handed one of the glasses to Ren Yue.

"Yueyue, congratulations!"

"Thank you!" Ren Yue took the wine and was about to drink it, but Ning Xia pressed her hand.

"Yueyue, drink less, I'll pour some out for you, you don't drink well."

She gestured to pour out half of the wine in the glass, but in fact she put all the wine in the glass in the space, and then replaced it with water.

Jiang Shu's expression turned cold, and she curled her lips in satisfaction when she saw Ren Yue took the rest of the wine and drank it.

After Jiang Shu left, Ren Yue looked at Ningxia suspiciously.

"Sister-in-law, what did you do just now?"

Ren Yue is not a fool, what her sister-in-law did just now was a little strange, so she felt puzzled.

Ning Xia smiled lightly, "Oh, it's nothing, I just want you not to drink so much.

Maybe you have to take care of Li Zhen at night. "

As she spoke, she glanced at Li Zhen, and was drunk again by everyone, guessing that she was drunk again at night.

 The life of the rabbit's scarf is Jiuharrier.

  There are still no fans, everyone can pay attention to it!

(End of this chapter)

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