Reborn 1990's Chef's Sweet Wife

Chapter 609 Follow the script

Chapter 609 Follow the script

"Well, I like to let people suffer their own consequences, and Jiang Shu is also unlucky, so I put it in my hands."

Ning Xia was paralyzed on the bed, she was waiting to see a good show tomorrow, thinking of Ning Xia like this, she fell asleep happily.

Early the next morning, Ningxia was woken up by Ren Yue's devilish knock on the door.

She opened the door in a daze, looked at the person with dark circles outside the door and said speechlessly:
"What time is it now, you got up so early?"

"Sister-in-law, I have a question to ask you." Ren Yue was a little haggard, presumably because she didn't sleep all night last night.

Ning Xia yawned and said softly, "Ask!"

"How did Jiang Shu and He Bin get together?"

Ren Yue was very irritable, she was completely confused about how these two people got together.

She didn't expect He Bin to have such a thick skin!
"I don't know if you ask this, I only know that Jiang Shu wants to take your place.

Well, He Bin wants to be the daughter-in-law of the Li family, and He Bin wants to marry you, maybe that's how it hit it off. "

Ning Xia rubbed her sleepy eyes, as for how these two people met.

Ning Xia said she didn't know either.

Ren Yue pursed her lips and sighed softly, "My cousin liked to grab my things when I was young.

I didn't expect that she didn't change after she grew up, and her temper was a bit bad. "

Ning Xia yawned again, "Well, people should not be judged by their appearance.

I'll wash up first, and then I'll see what your good cousin is doing. "

She poured Jiang Shu all the wine prepared by Jiang Shu in the space last night.

So watch the show as early as possible, otherwise there will be no show.

Ren Yue opened her lips, she didn't say much after all, she just leaned against the door of Ning Xia's room and stood there obediently.

Ten minutes later, Ning Xia walked out slowly with Ren Hui.

Ren Yue's expression is not very good, so greeting Ren Hui is lack of energy.

Ning Xia took Ren Hui's hand: "Let's go, we have to go home after breakfast."

"Yueyue, Xiaohui, have you seen Xiaoshu?" Ren Li hurriedly waved to Ningxia and the others.

Ning Xia said with a look of surprise, "Huh? Isn't Jiang Shu in the same room as you?"

This mother only now finds out that her daughter is missing. Could it be that she and Jiang Shu are in the same group?

Ningxia's attitude is really indifferent. If Ren Yue hadn't been with her last night, she would have thought that Ningxia really didn't know anything.

Ren Li quickly shook her head, "Yes, but at night, Xiaoshu said that she had something to do with Yueyue.

I drank some wine yesterday and was a little dizzy, so I went to bed first.

In the end, when I woke up in the morning, I still didn't see Xiaoshu!where did she go "

Although Ren Li favors sons over daughters, Jiang Shu is her daughter after all, so she is naturally in a hurry!

"I," Ren Yue didn't know how to answer, and followed what happened last night.

She thought that the person that sister-in-law dragged in was probably Jiang Shu.

Seeing Ren Yue's helpless look, Ning Xia immediately said:

"Yes, but she left after chatting with Yueyue. Didn't she go back to her room?"

"Why? I don't think the quilt has been covered yet. She didn't come back last night at all. "

Ren Li was a little flustered, her daughter had never been to such a nice hotel, she must have been abducted.

Ning Xia said quietly: "Go and ask the front desk, maybe the front desk saw if she went out."

She remembered going to the front desk but passing by Jiang Shu and He Bin's room.

I just don't know if Jiang Shu will follow the script.

But obviously Ning Xia was not wrong, they only took a few steps when a scream came from Jiang Shu's room.


(End of this chapter)

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