Reborn 1990's Chef's Sweet Wife

Chapter 610: Surprise or Surprise?

Chapter 610: Surprise or Surprise?
The hotel's sound insulation was so-so, and Jiang Shu's scream was very sharp, so the sound reached everyone's ears clearly.

Ning Xia and Ren Hui looked at each other, Ren Hui said silently:

"If I heard the voice correctly, it belongs to Jiang Shu."

"I, I sound like it too." Ren Yue pinched the corner of her clothes, thinking that if it wasn't for her sister-in-law, the person inside might be herself.

Thinking of this, Ren Yue shuddered a little!

Ren Li was stunned, and said in disbelief, "How could it be? How could Xiaoshu be here?"

"Auntie, Xiaoshu will not be forced, let's go in and have a look."

Ning Xia covered her mouth and rolled her eyes secretly. At this moment, Li Zhen and the people from the Li family came over together.

Li Mingcheng looked solemn, "What's going on?"

"That..., my cousin is gone." No matter how stupid Ren Yue was, she knew how to agree at this time, but her eyes fell on the closed door.

Li Mingcheng was taken aback for a moment, Li Zhen was already standing beside Ren Yue, and a bad premonition arose in his heart.

"I just heard Jiang Shu screaming inside." Ning Xia said quietly, and added at the end.

"It sounds a bit weird, and the scream was a bit high."

"Then let's take a look!" Zhang Fang also came over at this time, although she didn't like Ren Li.

After all, Jiang Shu is her husband's niece, and she still knows how to save face.

Ning Xia thought that Ren Li would stop them, but Ren Li was a pig teammate, so she knocked on the door directly.

"Xiaoshu, are you inside? What's wrong with you? Come out!"

There was a bang bang bang sound in the room, making everyone standing outside stunned.

At this time, Ren Hui, who quietly went to the front desk, had already brought a waiter over.

"Please open the door, our sister seems to be kidnapped inside."

Ning Xia smiled slightly, her voice was cold but clear.

The waiter immediately nodded with a smile, "Okay, please wait a moment."

It was not allowed to disclose these things, but Ren Hui said that it was related to their relatives.

The people in the hotel didn't dare to slack off either. Once she got here and saw so many people, she panicked even more.

The door was opened, and Ren Li was the first to rush in, shouting as she ran.

"Xiao Shu, are you there?"

"Pfft." Ning Xia almost couldn't hold back his laughter, Jiang Shu was probably going to die of anger.

He is really not afraid of opponents who are like gods, but teammates who are like pigs.

When everyone walked in, they found Jiang Shu wearing clothes and sitting on the side crying.

Lihua was raining and pitiful, while He Bin sat on the bed with a dazed expression, and then glanced at Ren Yue who walked in with a dazed face.

Jiang Shu's scream woke him up just now, and everyone has already walked in before he figured out the situation.

Ren Li grabbed Jiang Shu's hand, "Xiao Shu, what's going on with you?!"

Seeing He Bin's delicate features, Ren Li suppressed the thought of getting angry.

This child seems to be not bad, is it the object of the girl?

He Bin squinted his eyes, and said in a cold voice, "I also want to know what's going on?!"

In his plan, Ren Yue was supposed to come, but why did he turn into a stupid woman like Jiang Shu when he woke up in the morning!

Ning Xia sneered, "What do you mean by asking? Isn't your client the clearest about this?"

Seeing He Bin's bewildered face, Ningxia's inner villain burst into laughter.

Let you calculate Yueyue, now it's like this, is it surprising or unexpected!
(End of this chapter)

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