Reborn 1990's Chef's Sweet Wife

Chapter 615 The Man's Mouth

Chapter 615 The Man's Mouth
Liao Hong obediently didn't ask any more questions, but followed Ningxia holding Yaya's hand.

Only then did Ren Hui open the door, and Ding Tao's devilish voice sounded.

"Little Junior Sister!!! You are finally back, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Without the little junior sister at home, what he ate was so miserable that his mouth almost faded out.

Ren Hui raised his eyebrows, "Are you sure you are waiting for my wife, huh?"

The last sentence was obviously dangerous, so Ding Tao immediately changed his words.

"No, no, I'm waiting for you, Second Senior Brother, I miss you so much."

"You think I made the dishes." Ning Xia twitched speechlessly, these three senior brothers are really a living treasure.

Ding Tao took the things in Ren Hui's hand like a dog, "Master came back once, but I have something to go to the imperial capital first."

"En." Ren Hui replied, and brought Ning Xia and Liao Hong Yaya into the room.

I haven't come back for a long time, and Ding Tao, a big man, occasionally cleans.

The house was quite clean, and Ningxia was a little satisfied. For the next half month, Ningxia took Liao Hong in the kitchen.

As Liao Hong's master, she must of course be a qualified master.

Half a month later, Ningxia confessed that Liao Hongduo studied with Wang Zhiqiang, and entrusted Liao Hong and Yaya to Zhang Aihong.

Only then did he follow Ren Hui on the train to God's Capital. Of course, Ding Tao didn't accompany him this time.

Because the master had a task for him, and Ning Xia and Ren Hui went to study in the imperial capital.

Ningxia and Ren Hui came to the imperial capital stepping on the spot, after all, the next day is the start of school.

Ning Xia thought he would take him to a hotel, but Ren Hui took Ning Xia to the neighborhood next to Imperial University.

"Ah Hui, why are you here?" Ning Xia raised her brows, her face full of doubts.

Ren Hui quickly took out the key and opened the door, "Hey, we will live in a small apartment when we go to school."

There was an unruly smile on his face, and now his wife was his.

If he let his wife live in the dormitory again, he thought he would go crazy.

Ningxia's eyes fell on the apartment tentatively, and suddenly said sinisterly:
"Is this house bought or rented?"

Ren Hui didn't hear anything wrong in Ning Xia's words, he pointed to the living room.

"Of course I bought it. I entrusted someone to decorate it for me. Do you like it, daughter-in-law?"

"Well, I like it, so you are hiding money from your house?" Ningxia Huan stood there with his hands, saying that he had handed over all the money.

Sure enough, a man's mouth is a deceiving ghost!
Only then did Ren Hui realize that Ning Xia's tone was wrong, so he immediately leaned over and pecked Ning Xia's lips.

"No, no, how dare I, isn't this the money owed by the previous client, and he bought the house if he paid me back.

But I don't have enough money for the decoration, so I have to ask my wife to make up for it. "

When it came to the end, it was rather pitiful, and Ning Xia couldn't help but chuckle.

"Okay, for the sake of being so obedient, I agree with you."

"Then ask your mother to inspect it!" Ren Hui held up her hand, cooperating with her performance.

The two of them looked at the house carefully, two rooms and one living room, not a big living room.

But Ning Xia and Ren Hui are enough to go to school.

Thinking of Ren Yue, Ning Xia couldn't help asking: "What about Yue Yue? Are we the only ones living together?"

"She is taken care of by Li Zhen, and she lives in school!" Ren Hui directly abandoned his sister at the critical moment, and he still had to live a two-person world with his wife.

Do you want your sister to make light bulbs? Ren Hui said absolutely not!

Thinking of Li Zhen, Ningxia smiled, "What you said makes sense, Yueyue should develop a relationship with Li Zhen."

In case Li Zhen asks her for a wife when the time comes!

(End of this chapter)

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