Reborn 1990's Chef's Sweet Wife

Chapter 616 Must live on campus

Chapter 616 Must live on campus
Because there were no outsiders, Ning Xia simply took the quilt from the space and put it in the bedroom.

Fortunately, when she bought things, she would buy more. These things are perfectly fine in this small apartment.

It also saves her and Ah Hui from going shopping now.

The two of them took the bus several times, and they were a little tired, and they didn't have the energy to go out for a walk.

So just nestle in the bedroom and rest.

When Ningxia woke up full of energy, it was already the next day, and Ren Hui had already made breakfast.

After the morning exercise together, Ren Hui took Ning Xia to school.

The school and the apartment are not far away, about 10 minutes away, and the two of them came quite early.

There are not many people in the place to report, and Ningxia reported calmly. Of course, she chose not to stay.

But she didn't expect that during the military training, accommodation is required, so Ningxia walked to Ren Hui with the quilt issued by the school with a helpless face.

"Ah Hui, I still have to live on campus during military training."

Ren Hui did not expect this to happen, he sighed slightly.

"Okay, then you have to be obedient during the military training."

As he said, he took the quilt and daily necessities from her hand, and the school distributed them uniformly.

"Don't worry, I'm very good." Ning Xia almost raised her hand to swear, but this kind of military training is actually quite novel to her.

Following Ren Hui back to the small apartment, Ning Xia resigned to her fate and simply packed her luggage.

I thought I had left Ah Hui behind, but after a while, Ren Hui came over excited and confused.

"What's the matter?" The corners of Ning Xia's lips rose slowly, and she looked at him without blinking.

Ren Hui held her hand apologetically, "Daughter-in-law, I'm sorry, I have received another mission from my master.

I can't accompany you during the military training, but I will go and return soon. "

"It's okay, don't I just want to live in school? I can't accompany you either."

Ningxia understands very well that Ah Hui has followed his master since he was a child, so he naturally has some different beliefs about these things.

And the two of them really should have their own space and their own hobbies.

Ren Hui hugged Ningxia, and said very touched, "Daughter-in-law, you are so kind."

If it was someone else, he would have had a fight with him long ago, as expected, his own wife is the best!
Seeing his daughter-in-law's jade-like cheeks, Ren Hui lowered his head and approached Ning Xia.

"Well, Ah Hui, it's still daytime." Ning Xia said something vaguely, but Ren Hui couldn't care less.

"Daytime is also very good, this kind of thing does not distinguish between day and night."

Speaking of which, his eyes were stained with strange emotions, and this poor little Ning Xia didn't even have a chance to resist. 【brain supplement】

Perhaps it was because they were going to be separated for a while, and both of them were reluctant to waste time.

When Ningxia Youyou woke up, she was lying on the sofa in the living room, and her body was covered with a thin blanket.

She looked at herself, and was a little more satisfied with her man, it seemed that he had cleaned up.

She got up and went to the ground with her bare feet, her round toes landed on the carpet very cutely.

"Wake up, come and eat." Ren Hui put a pair of slippers in front of her, and put them on her feet with familiar movements.

"Wear your shoes, or you'll catch a cold."

Ningxia was obediently wearing slippers, and there were home-cooked dishes on the dining table, which seemed to be made by Ah Hui.

"Taste the vegetables I picked in space, and be good when I'm not around."

Ren Hui's deep eyes fell on the girl who was eating with puffed cheeks.

Since being honest with Xia Xia, he found that Xia Xia seemed to show his true nature more and more.

And this kind of Xia Xia fascinated him even more.

(End of this chapter)

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