Reborn 1990's Chef's Sweet Wife

Chapter 617 Passionate Bear Hug

Chapter 617 Passionate Bear Hug

After the two finished their meal, Ren Hui sent Ning Xia to school with his luggage.

This time he sent people directly to the downstairs of the girls' dormitory at the school, "Xia Xia, I'll just leave later.

You take good care of yourself at school and I'll be back before the freshmen start their classes. "

The master also knew that he had been delayed for a long time, so the tasks assigned to him were not very long.

Ning Xia stood on tiptoe and gave him a reward, "Don't worry about me, you go, I'll wait for you to come back."

After speaking, she quickly went upstairs with her luggage. In fact, men are allowed to go up in the girls' dormitory when school starts.

After all, there are fathers and elder brothers who come to give them away, and the school will not be so cold-blooded.

But Ren Hui had already bought a ticket, so he didn't have time to take Ningxia there.

Watching Ning Xia go upstairs, Ren Hui left the school slowly while touching his cheek kissed by Ning Xia.

Ning Xia glanced at the list in her hand, um, her dormitory is at 302 on the third floor.

It wasn't too early for Ning Xia to come, she politely opened the door and walked in, smiling at the people in the dormitory.

"Hello, I'm Ningxia, nice to meet you!"

"Ningxia, I've been waiting for you for so long, you've finally arrived!"

A person rushed out of the bathroom and gave Ning Xia a warm bear hug before Ning Xia could react.

This person was Jiang Li, Ning Xia was shocked, she opened her lips.

"Jiangli, why are you here?"

"Of course I'm here to go to school too, and I'll be your roommate from now on, please give me your advice!"

Jiang Li let go of Ning Xia with a smile, so she would not tell Ning Xia that she deliberately wanted to share a dormitory with Ning Xia.

She smiled slightly, then stretched out her white hands, her mischievous look made Ningxia a little helpless.

"Teach me a lot!" Ning Xia held her hand, feeling a little joyful in his heart.

Jiang Li took her hand and introduced it to her with a smile.

"This is Ningxia, Ningxia, let me introduce you, this is Mohan, and this is Xiang Sisi."

She came earlier and already knew these two girls.

The girl with the earphones glanced coldly at Jiang Li and Ning Xia, holding the most popular repeater in her hand.

She said softly, "My name is Mo Han."

She doesn't care much about these people, and the clothes she wears are expensive, and she has a good family background.

"My name is Xiang Sisi." Another girl spoke softly, she was the first to come.

But all the roommates seemed to be well dressed, and only she was wearing patched clothes, so she felt a little inferior.

Jiang Li was always smiling, but Mo Han was always cold and didn't talk much.

But this Ningxia is not bad, it looks really nice.

Jiang Li said to Ningxia very enthusiastically: "Ningxia, let me help you, we will go to the cafeteria to eat later."

"Are you sure you'll help me?" Ning Xia raised her eyebrows, guessing that Jiang Li's own bed was made by servants.

So Ning Xia doesn't expect her to help him.

Jiang Li waved her hand embarrassingly, "I see you are busy, you go first." Her things were indeed sorted out by the servants.

After she finished speaking, she climbed into her bed. The beds here are all up and down, and the top is the bed.

And below are the cabinets and desks, which are already very good at this time.

Ning Xia calmly walked to the window. This was the bed that Jiang Li occupied for her. She spread the quilt and put all the clothes in the closet.

Ningxia wiped the desk again, no one lived there for a summer vacation, dust had already settled on the desk.

(End of this chapter)

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