Chapter 622 Dormitory
As an assistant to the counselor, Ji Xinya is naturally not under the jurisdiction of the instructor, and it was already half an hour after everyone finished running.

Ji Xinya asked the acting squad leader to take the list and roll the names one by one to make sure everyone was there.

The instructor took them into a big truck, the instructor sat in the passenger seat, and Ji Xinya took the students in the class to sit in the truck.

The students crowded together one by one, Mo Han frowned slightly, but didn't say much after all.

On the contrary, Jiang Li said to Ning Xia in a very low voice: "I heard from others that we are going to a special military training place."

As the top of all universities, Imperial University naturally has its own military training base.

"Yeah, I heard that this military training is very strict and tiring." Xiang Sisi answered in a low voice, and she also heard what the seniors and seniors who received her said.

Mo Han snorted lightly, "There's no way, no matter how rich a student is, he has to pass this test."

Imperial University is very domineering, no matter how rich you are or how high your status is.

All must participate in the military training when the school starts!Otherwise, go to another school.

Ning Xia nodded slowly, "Since it's here, it's safe."

She adapted quite quickly, and Ah Hui told her this when she got the admission notice.

So there is nothing to be surprised about, but Ningxia always feels that Ji Xinya's eyes are strange not far away.

Everyone on the truck was whispering to each other, Ji Xinya and the acting deputy squad leader seemed to be having a good chat.

Ningxia saw Qiu Bai, the acting deputy squad leader, covering his mouth and smiling.

The military training base was in the suburbs, and the car bumped for several hours, but the destination was several hours later.

Everyone was almost starving, and the instructor didn't intend to make things difficult for them.

Let the squad leader and deputy squad leader take people to the dormitory directly, and then go to the cafeteria for breakfast by themselves.

At noon, the instructor will come to the dormitory to teach everyone to fold the quilt and tidy up the housework.

As the deputy monitor, Qiu Bai took all the girls in class 2020 to the dormitory, and when he saw the dormitory where they were going to stay for a month.

All the girls couldn't help being stunned, "Oh my God, deputy squad leader, are you sure we want so many people to live in one dormitory?!"

"It's still a bunk bed, which is similar to our high school, but there is no need for so many people to live in a high school dormitory!"

"And it takes a month to live, so many people live together, it's too scary!"

"This dormitory is too simple, I'm not used to it!"

"I don't want to live here at all. There is still a lot of dust. It seems that no one has lived here for a long time."

"It should have been cleaned. In fact, I think it's okay. Anyway, it won't last long."

"You country bumpkin must say it's okay, I don't want to live in such a place."

"What else can you do if you don't live here?"

The girls were chattering because they were very dissatisfied with the living environment. The small dormitory has eight beds in total.

The beds are divided into upper and lower beds, which means that sixteen of them will live together.

What is even more frustrating is that they have to go to the public bath to wash up, and there is only a small balcony where they hang their clothes.

Jiang Li tugged at Ningxia's sleeves, looked at the dormitory with sad eyes and said:

"Xiao Xia, do we really want to live here?"

She's never lived in a place like this before, well, it's really shabby.

At least the eldest lady Mo Han's eyebrows were almost knit together, and her whole body revealed that strangers should not get close! .

Only Xiang Sisi and Ning Xia's expressions didn't fluctuate too much. Ning Xia has lived in a worse place, so naturally it's not a big problem.

But Xiang Sisi's family background is average, she is already very content with being able to live in such a brick house.

Although there are a little more people living together this month, it is not a big problem.

(End of this chapter)

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