Chapter 623
Ning Xia nodded slightly, and walked towards a bed by the window with her backpack in hand.

I still didn’t forget to say to Jiang Li and the others: “Do you think the school will change places for us?

Military training is here every year, without exception! "

Those children from rich families still have to live here, so they don't want to change places.

Seeing that Ning Xia started to make the bed, Jiang Li silently chose to be next to Ning Xia's bed.

Mo Leng put his backpack on Ningxia's upper bunk with a frowning face, and Xiang Sisi naturally followed.

Because she didn't know anyone else, Xiang Sisi directly chose Jiangli's upper berth, which was better than a stranger.

Seeing someone taking the lead, everyone was a little embarrassed and didn't know what to do.

Qiu Bai immediately put on the airs of the deputy squad leader and said, "Don't pick and choose, everyone.

Every year, students from our school come here in this way, and they will only stay for a month, so bear with it. "

"The deputy squad leader is right, forget it, let's just let it go."

"There is nothing we can do if we don't generalize. We have to go to school, and we have to go to school to have military training."

"Hey, if I knew that Imperial University's military training is so harsh, I shouldn't have filled in this school in the first place."

"Tch, if you are asked to change schools now, you will definitely not change."

"After all, it is the No. [-] school. It is a matter of face to say it out, and few are willing to change it."

"That's right, there's no other way, as long as I think of going to the collective bathhouse to take a bath, I feel uncomfortable."

"Growing up so big, I have never lived in such a desolate place."

"Actually, I think it's okay. Compared with those poor places, this is already very good."

"Don't talk so much, tidy up and go to the cafeteria to eat, I'm going to starve to death."

Qiu Bai gave everyone a step down. Although everyone was still complaining, they had to accept this environment.

Ning Xia wiped her bed with a rag first, and then quickly spread the quilt.

The shop she chose was right next to the window, and through the wooden window, one could see the instructors taking the students off the car one after another on the playground outside.

After packing up her things, Ning Xia realized that Jiang Li was still standing there at a loss.

She sighed helplessly, "Be careful, I'll only help you once."

"Xiao Xia, you are the best. I want to share the same school and class with you."

Jiang Li clasped her hands together, as expected, following Ningxia is the best, she is very happy.

Although there were people who were kind to her when she went to other schools, she never missed a follower.

But Ningxia is different, her kindness to her is sincere and does not contain any impure things.

And Mo Han is not much worse than Jiang Li at the moment, Xiang Sisi is helping her, otherwise these two young ladies will have to face difficulties.

There are not many students in the class in Ningxia, so the dormitory just happens to be full of girls.

There are collective lockers in the dormitory, corresponding to each person's bed, and each locker still has a small key.

Ning Xia put some food in it, but still didn't have time to go down and eat.

The instructor walked in with a group of students from the student union, who were counselor assistants from several classes, including Ji Xinya.

At the moment, they are assisting the instructor. When everyone sees the instructor, they all stand there obediently.

"Hello, instructor!"

"Well, don't be nervous, now we have to check whether you have any prohibited items."

After the instructor finished speaking, he waved his hand, and the seniors started to check everyone's luggage.

"Ah, that's the sunscreen I asked my aunt to bring from abroad, it's very expensive!"

"Wait, what are you doing, this is my cosmetic, don't break it."

(End of this chapter)

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